- Due to a reporter's error, a July 20 Morgan Hill Times front-page story about Morgan Hill public officials' salaries misstated city manager Ed Tewes' compensation. Tewes earns $165,500 a year after receiving a merit-based raise last July.
County adopts directional signs for wineries
Santa Clara Valley wineries are already on the map, but proponents of a new County ordinance want to make it even easier for visitors and tourists to find their favorite tasting room or their next stop on their self-guided wine country tour.
Photos: Halloween a hit in downtown Morgan Hill
Hundreds of small heroes, villains, cartoon characters, farm animals and more—along with their costumed parents—took over downtown Morgan Hill for a brief outing the night of Halloween. Shop and restaurant owners held the invaders at bay by donning their own disguises and offering candy payoffs.Luckily, the looters meant no harm and nothing but fun and good times were reported. The Oct. 31 scene, known as the annual Safe Trick Or Treat event, was organized by the City of Morgan Hill and the Downtown Association.Monterey Road and downtown side streets were closed to vehicle traffic in order to give the costumed families free reign of the neighborhood and maximize their treat stores and partake in street games.
SCVWD Recognized For Energy-Saving Solar Project
San Jose – In addition to saving taxpayers as much as $70,000 a year, an innovative solar power project by the Santa Clara Valley Water District continues to receive winning praise from its water-industry peers.
New test may help determine the source of perchlorate exposure
Santa Clara County health officials hope a new test to check for
County Breaks Ground for Work on Highway 25 Bypass
After a decades-long planning process, local leaders broke
Letter: School board’s trustee choice must support students
In response to the South County Democratic Club’s open letter (Aug. 9 Morgan Hill Times), and as a registered Democrat myself who values common sense, it’s essential to set the record straight and ensure our community gets the accurate and transparent information they deserve....