Naked Man Wreaks Havoc
Whether it was the influence of the full moon or a two-day drug binge, a naked and bleeding Morgan Hill man was arrested early Friday morning after he terrorized Jack in the Box employees and a family at a home on Peak Avenue.
County Considers More Hillside Restrictions
Residents fear possible prohibitions could violate their
Police Report Higher Than Usual Weekend DV Calls
Seven domestic violence episodes send five men to jail
Property Owners Pay $55,000 For Weed Clean-up
County inspectors cited 267 properties in Morgan Hill as fire
Publication Helps Farmers, Ranchers
Farmers and ranchers seeking to learn more about profitable and practical agricultural systems can find ideas from 2006/07 SARE Highlights, a free publication now available from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program.
Local Group Remembers WWII Japanese American Veterans
Special exhibit on board U.S.S. Hornet honors second-generation