POA Benefit Game Location Change
The Morgan Hill Police Officers Association annual benefit basketball game will be held Sept. 22 in the Crossroads Christian School gym, 145 Wright Ave., at 7:30pm. Doors open at 6:30pm; concessions are available. The game pits Morgan Hill's finest - the "Morgan Hill Blue Knights - against NFL players in a fast-paced contest; money raised will benefit several charities and fund scholarships. Tickets are $20. Call Gary or Charles at 683-4602 to purchase tickets or for more information.
A New Spiritual Leader in Town
Morgan Hill – The story of how student rabbi Debbie Israel wound up as the new spiritual leader of Congregation Emeth, South County's only Jewish group, is one she attributes to "amazing coincidences."
County Hosts Women’s Exhibit
The Santa Clara County's Office of Women's Policy and Programs, the Commission on The Status of Women and the International Museum of Women are sponsoring an art exhibit on women's issues at the Santa Clara County Government Building Lobby, 70 West Hedding, in San Jose.
Dems Urge Participation
San Martin – More than 50 people – including families with children – made the most of the weather and the food Sunday during the South County Democratic Club's barbecue and also had a chance to hear insurance commissioner John Garamendi, who is running for lieutenant governor, as well as Jerry McNerney, who is running for Congress.
Ill-fated Bird Knocks Out Power, Starts Fire
Morgan Hill – An unidentified "large bird" caused a peck of trouble when it apparently became entangled with some power lines in west Morgan Hill.
Mutsun Ohlone Indians Were First Inhabitants in South Valley
Indians immigrated to region from San Francisco Bay area after
MHUSD Students Sharpen Pencils
Morgan Hill – Fresh notebooks, newly sharpened pencils and other school supplies filled bulging backpacks strapped to students throughout the Morgan Hill Unified School District today as more than 8,500 kids start off another school year.
Eight-and-a-Half-Hour Diesel Fuel Cleanup
Gilroy - Curious commuters who were wondering why there was bumper to bumper traffic Monday morning on northbound U.S. 101 can blame an overturned semi-trailer truck at the Sixth Street overcrossing.