Where are they now?
Do you have information about former Live Oak High and Morgan Hill-area athletes who went on to athletic and other endeavors? If so, we want to hear from you. Anyone with information about these athletes and what they’re doing now is encouraged to call (408) 779-4106 or e-mail us at ji**@mo*************.com
SCBA Spring registration
The SCBA basketball program is currently accepting applications for its Spring Program. The season runs from Saturday, March 6 to Saturday, May 22. Details: Jim Green 460-7402 or scbabasketball.org
MH swim club clinic
Signups and placements for the Morgan Hill Swim Club’s clinic will be held Wednesday, March 10 and Thursday, March 11 from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. The clinic will take place the following week.
Anyone showing up after the first clinic is filled will be put on the waiting list for the second clinic to be held in early May. Swimmers should be able to swim one length of the pool, wear a swimsuit, and bring a towel. The cost of the clinic is $15 for the week, and includes a Morgan Hill Swim Club t-shirt and swim cap.
Swimmers not wanting to wait for the clinic are encouraged to try out for the team Mondays through Fridays at 5:30 p.m. at the Live Oak High pool.
Interested adults may participate in the morning masters swim sessions held at 5:15 a.m. Monday through Friday at the Live Oak High pool. The cost for masters is $5 per day or $45 per month.
For further information call 782-0088 or go to the Web site at www.morgan-hillmakos.com