EDITOR: Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is proud of gubernatorial
candidate Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante
’s performance at the California Broadcasters debate Wednesday
night. Our hearts swelled with pride when Bustamante said in his
closing statement that he will “defend a woman’s right to choose.”
This was not an idle statement. Bustamante’s legislative record
clearly shows that he is 10
0 percent committed to choice.
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is proud of gubernatorial candidate Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante’s performance at the California Broadcasters debate Wednesday night.
Our hearts swelled with pride when Bustamante said in his closing statement that he will “defend a woman’s right to choose.” This was not an idle statement. Bustamante’s legislative record clearly shows that he is 100 percent committed to choice.
Bustamante is opposed to the recall, which will cost California taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. The recall is an attempt to unseat pro-choice Gov. Gray Davis, who is dedicated to reproductive freedom.
Furthermore, Bustamante is opposed to Proposition 54, which would prevent the government from collecting life-saving statistics about race, ethnicity and national origin.
In comparison, Bustamante’s major opponent Arnold Schwarzenegger supports the recall, which was financed by anti-choice Congressman Darrell Issa of Southern California. Schwarzenegger is no friend of the pro-choice community. He has refused to answer the Planned Parenthood candidate questionnaire. And he supports onerous restrictions on a woman’s right to choose.
The choice is clear. Bustamante embodies the values of pro-choice Californians. Accordingly, we urge voters to vote “no” on the recall, vote for Bustamante, and vote “no” on Proposition 54.
Gayle M. Tiller, public affairs director,
Planned Parenthood Advocates
of Santa Clara and San Benito counties