Though she operates an office instead of a classroom, Bonnie Tognazzini has had her finger on the pulse of Morgan Hill education for more than two decades – and she’ll being recognized for her commitment when Tognazzini is named “Educator of the Year” at the Jan. 26 Celebrate Morgan Hill Awards.
“For 21 years I’ve been sitting at Morgan Hill’s education table,” she said. “I just feel my role and my function is to support this district.”
Since her with the first day at the MHUSD in 1992 in Morgan Hill, Tognazzini has climbed the ranks, from the head of the business office, to the position of Deputy Superintendent. As second in command of the district today, she juggles many responsibilities that range from transportation to food service.
Tognazzini says her goal is to serve as an advisor for the Board of Education on issues that come before the dais. She meets weekly with a senior cabinet to develop strategies to “weather changes” in the fiscal forecast.
As the state continues to tighten the belt on education funding, Tognazzini stresses the district’s goal of providing quality instruction.
“Our focus is not budget or facilities. Dialogue is about supporting education,” she said. “It’s not just about me, but the school board believing in me and my team.”
Though the district offices at 5600 Concord Circle has been a revolving door at times when it comes to incoming and outgoing staff, Tognazzini said she is a fixture. Smiling, she reminisced that her tenure in Morgan Hill – beginning at the age of 41 – has earned her the informal title of “historian” from her colleagues.
“I think the community has been very gracious, recognizing the longevity I have had in this district,” Toganzzini said.
She calls Morgan Hill Unified “her baby,” which she has helped through many growing pains including low scores and sparse funding.
“I’m just really proud to be an employee of this district, this district is my home,” she added.
Within the 2013 school year, Tognazzini plans to retire, but she is confident that MHUSD won’t miss a beat.
“I am so excited of the state of the district,” she gushed. “The staff is youthful and has fresh ideas.”
Growing up as an “Army brat,” Tognazzini had the opportunity to visit many corners of the world. Following retirement, she plans to venture back to Europe, where she was married. With more than 30 years invested in education, Toganzzini is eager to switch gears, perhaps shedding her “historian” persona and taking on that of “world traveler.”
Though she will be departing from Morgan Hill, she is adamant the South County town will always be her home. Tognazzini is also highly optimistic about the future of Morgan Hill schools under upstanding leadership.
“I feel really good about leaving my baby in their hands,” she said.
About Celebrate Morgan Hill
Since 1957, the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce has recognized citizens and groups that “Celebrate Morgan Hill” by giving back to the community. Nominations are distributed the beginning of August. In October a special committee chose those whose contributions have most impacted the citizens of Morgan Hill, according to Chamber staff.
The Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center last month announced its picks in six categories for the event: Woman of the Year – Cricket Rubino; Man of the Year – Bob Snow; Educator of the Year – Bonnie Tognazzini; Business of the Year – Smart Products; Student of the Year – Jennifer Gonzalez; and Volunteer of the Year -Persis Mcinn.
During a “red carpet” affair honorees will be recognized at a dinner and ceremony 6 p.m. Jan. 26 at the Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Road. Hundreds of residents have dressed to the nines to attend the prestigious event in previous years and the Chamber of Commerce expects the 2013 ceremony to be no exception.
Tickets are expected to sell quickly and those who wish to attend are directed to visit the Chamber’s website for the RSVP form at www.morganhill.org/celebrate-morgan-hill. Reservations should be submitted no later than 5 p.m. Jan. 18.