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During a lively discussion, School Board trustees decided on the
composition of an advisory committee that will assist them in
selecting a new superintendent.
During a lively discussion, School Board trustees decided on the composition of an advisory committee that will assist them in selecting a new superintendent.

Trustees will vote on the specific people to serve on the committee during their regular meeting Monday.

The board’s Feb. 7 special meeting was focused on the search for a superintendent to replace Superintendent Carolyn McKennan, whose contract expires June 30. Trustees hired RJ Gatti Associates last month to conduct the search.

Right now, the search firm is collecting applications for the position. The application period ends March 1.

During the second week of March, trustees are scheduled to review the applications; the advisory committee is scheduled for orientation on March 14.

The advisory committee will have 16 members: two students, two representatives from each of the district’s employee groups (Morgan Hill Federation of Teachers, Service Employees International Union and Morgan Hill Educational Leaders Association), one representative from the City of Morgan Hill and one representative chosen by each of the seven trustees.

Trustees will invite their representatives to become a part of the committee, and employee groups will choose their representatives and submit the names to trustees; the board will vote to approve the members during its Feb. 14 meeting.

The advisory committee, as finalized by trustees, will interview candidates for the position separately from board members. According to Board President Shellé Thomas, the committee will not rank the candidates or attempt to reach a consensus on the best candidate for the position. Each committee member will individually make a recommendation to the board.

The board is scheduled to make a decision in April.

Advisory committee members must be available to meet on March 14 for an orientation plus March 18-19 for the actual interviews.

During the special meeting trustees also approved a recruitment brochure created by RJ Gatti Associates detailing the characteristics desired in the new superintendent. Minor changes were requested by trustees before they voted unanimously to approve the brochure.

Rudi and Janet Gatti created the brochure from information gathered during two days of interviews with community members and two public forums.

The board will meet Monday at 6pm for a regular meeting at the District Office, 156000 Concord Circle. Details: 201-6000.

Marilyn Dubil covers education and law enforcement for The Times. She can be reached by e-mail at md****@mo*************.com or phoning (408) 779-4106 ext. 202.

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