A new agreement between the Morgan Hill Federation of Teachers and the Morgan Hill Unified School District was unanimously approved by the board of education at the April 18 meeting.
“This was long in coming, but it’s a good agreement,” said Fawn Myers, MHUSD’s human resources head as she outlined the new terms to the board members.
MHFT members already had one their part with an April 13 vote for ratification with a vote tally of 259 in favor, and 15 members against.
“I’m very thankful that mediation was successful,” said MHFT President Gemma Abels, who was at the bargaining table throughout the year-long negotiations that were contentious at times and led to an impasse prior to bringing in a third-party mediator.
Among the negotiated terms of the contract are a 6 percent raise, retroactive to July 1, 2016, for the current 2016-17 school year and a 3 percent raise for the 2017-18 school year along with a one-time payment of $726 to members in May 2017.
“I am overjoyed that we reached an agreement,” said Trustee Mary Patterson, who has two children attending district schools. “There are few better ways we can spend our money in this district.”
Trustee David Gerard made the motion, which was seconded by Trustee Gino Borgioli, before the official 7-0 tally.
Morgan Hill’s classified union as well as the Morgan Hill Educational Leaders Association members will also receive a $726 one-time payment. Both items, described as side letters, were approved by the board April 18 in unanimous fashion.

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