EDITOR: I read the piece in the paper the other about the need
to show politicians who’s boss. The problem is that they already
know and it
’s not the voter.
I read the piece in the paper the other about the need to show politicians who’s boss. The problem is that they already know and it’s not the voter.
Is that a ripple of gasps that I hear? It shouldn’t be. At the polls the choices are slim, most of whom in either party I wouldn’t hire to spit on the sidewalk. Education is either in the dumps, or looks like they are headed that way. The economy has been trashed by the federal government.
Who has told the state government to roll over and play dead? Good laws that help people are needed, but bad laws or the “Rule of Law” are a bane on freedom. The cure could be as bad as the symptoms, just ask Gandhi. Surrendering freedom for safety’s sake, is no safety and no freedom.
Danial Bowlin,
Morgan Hill