The Nov. 5 general election ballot features two candidates for Morgan Hill Mayor: incumbent Mark Turner and District B City Council member Yvonne Martinez Beltran. 

Turner is running for his second term as the city’s mayor. Martinez Beltran is serving her second term on the city council. Her current term is slated to end in 2026.

The Times sent out a list of questions to both candidates. Their answers are included below. 

Mark Turner, candidate for mayor

Times: Is there any personal or professional information about yourself that you want to share with the voters? 

Mark Turner: I am proud to call the City of Morgan Hill my hometown. As a 31-year resident, my wife and I were able to raise our three daughters in the community we care so much about. I have 12 years of executive level experience along with 10 years of hands-on experience in economic development. As the mayor for the last two years, as well as a former CEO of a business organization, and past Chair of the Silicon Valley Chamber Coalition, I know what it takes to establish relationships, facilitate difficult discussions, bring people together, build consensus and communicate with interested parties. This experience has all led to results driven outcomes for the community.

Mark Turner

Why are you running for reelection to the office of Mayor of Morgan Hill?

To continue investing in and supporting our police and fire. As our community grows, we need to add additional law enforcement personnel, including support staff in records and dispatch to ensure the safety of our families. 

To see Morgan Hill become the premier northern California youth sports and recreation destination. Enhancing our outdoor sports complex and aquatics center and other recreational sites, allowing greater opportunity for our residents to participate in local sports programs. 

To expand our tourism opportunities, roll out our Healthy Morgan Hill Initiative, protect commercial and industrial lands and create more local jobs. 

What are your thoughts on how to accommodate growth while maintaining infrastructure and enhancing economic development in Morgan Hill over the next two-plus years? 

Due to mandates from Sacramento, we will be forced to continue building more homes. As a result, we need to prepare for the impact to infrastructure such as water, electric, roads, etc. I have been communicating with Valley Water and officials in San Jose regarding recycled water options and opportunities for Morgan Hill. 

I’ve contacted PG&E and even spoken with a Commissioner on the California Public Utilities Commission regarding the issues we face with PG&E. 

Economic Development plays an important role in our ability to generate much needed revenue for the city in order to continue providing the services our residents demand and deserve.

What are some pressing issues you would like to work on if elected?

PG&E, youth sports and recreation, balancing the budget, reliable internet provider, protecting job-creating lands and creating more local jobs.

Why should Morgan Hill reelect you as mayor?

Because I take action and get results. Over the last two years I have conducted more efficient council meetings and earlier start times to accommodate residents, introduced three new community-wide initiatives, pushed for more public art and funding mechanism to support it, attained additional funding to complete the Upper Llagas Creek Flood Control Project, conducted a CEO Roundtable discussion, implemented the Guacamole Trail to support local restaurants, successfully worked with regional partners to keep the Bay Area Panthers in Morgan Hill, helped recruit businesses to the community, addressed homeless issues, and have met with hundreds of community members. 

Yvonne Martinez Beltran, candidate for mayor

Times: Is there any personal or professional information about yourself that you want to share with the voters? 

Yvonne Martinez Beltran: I currently serve as city councilwoman, am a mother of three, a small business owner, and a lifelong Morgan Hill resident. I graduated from Live Oak High School and earned a Masters from New York University in Urban Planning in Housing and Economic Development.

Yvonne Martinez Beltran

I enjoy quality family time, hiking, biking, salsa dancing and traveling with my husband and our daughters—twins and our youngest. 

I championed funding public safety officers, our third firehouse and supported resident initiated referendums against downtown lane closure and distribution centers. I advocated for our fourth Caltrain, economic development in tourism and healthcare, a climate action plan and inclusion. 

Why are you running for election to the office of Mayor of Morgan Hill?

I am running for Mayor to build a better Morgan Hill—one that prioritizes public safety (and) economic strength, and preserves our community essence, a Morgan Hill for everyone. 

With my experience of eight years in city leadership, serving as Mayor Pro Tempore, having earned an NYU Masters in Urban Planning in Housing and Economic Development and deep roots in the community, I am the best candidate to be mayor. 

My policy is based in data, community engagement, transparency, inclusion and equity. I have shown commitment to prioritizing public safety, tackling hard issues, listening and representing your voice in making decisions.

What are your thoughts on how to accommodate growth while maintaining infrastructure and enhancing economic development in Morgan Hill over the next two-plus years?

We need to plan for required growth to be sustainable and for infrastructure maintenance and enhancements, while advocating for more resources and more local control. As an executive board member representing the Peninsula Division of the League of Cities statewide lobbying organization, I’ll continue lobbying our legislators for Morgan Hill needs. 

I’ve consistently called for accountability and investment from PG&E and Charter delivering redundancy efforts, equipment enhancements—and more is needed to improve the service needed by our community—during my time on council to support our needed economic development growth in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, tourism and agribusiness businesses.

What are some pressing issues you would like to work on if elected?

As mayor, I’ll continue my commitment to public safety despite economic challenges. Conversations I initiated to support policing brought a mental health clinician and unhoused specialist to the police department, a Spanish community police academy and identified staffing needs. I also requested the third firehouse and staffing be prioritized.

I’ll define priorities, identify unfunded liabilities, update the Economic Development Blueprint with measurable goals to plan, identify and target revenue opportunities and protect city funds, (and) not rush irresponsible giveaways without due diligence.

I will encourage diverse housing solutions and continued investment in recreation, healthcare, infrastructure and mental health so families stay in Morgan Hill.

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Michael Moore is an award-winning journalist who has worked as a reporter and editor for the Morgan Hill Times, Hollister Free Lance and Gilroy Dispatch since 2008. During that time, he has covered crime, breaking news, local government, education, entertainment and more.


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