145504~Boys ranch was there first—Dear Editor, Regarding the
residents who live near the county Probation Department
’s James Ranch, I have a hard time feeling sorry for them.
I couldn’t agree more with this article. Recently three teenage boys I know were released from the ranch early January and none of them were put in their due to harsh crimes. When they heard about this incident they laughed at what the nearby residents were saying. When the kids run from their they are running to get away, not to hurt the neighbors and their children. Look at the statistics. How many of the 100 escapee’s from last year commited a crime that hurt or threatened another individual while running from the ranch? They move as fast as they can and they get out of the area. They feel sad and feel trapped in the facility and often want to run. The residents should not feel threatened or feel like they are living in “East LA,” like one resident said. Tell them to visit a harsh place like East LA and then come back and tell us how bad they really have it in Morgan Hill. I know their opinions would change on how safe they think their neighborhood really is. My advice to them is to accept where they live or move.