EDITOR: I read the column by Chuck Flagg in the Oct. 24 edition
about Muslims in America and was really impressed by your sincere
effort on educating the general public about Muslim values and
religious practices.
I read the column by Chuck Flagg in the Oct. 24 edition about Muslims in America and was really impressed by your sincere effort on educating the general public about Muslim values and religious practices.
As a Muslim in San Jose, I feel much more comfortable observing my religious duties than do many of my cousins in other parts of the United States, where ignorance may cause fear. I love America and pray for its success and strive to strengthen the tolerance of Americans for all nationalities and religious beliefs.
Thank you for the article and please continue to write.
Salman Jiva, San Jose
Thank you so much for the informative article about Muslims in the Oct. 24 edition. I greatly appreciate you sharing the ture facts about Islam. I hope that all of your readers will now have a better understanding as to why Muslims fast. Not only does knowledge bring tolerance, but it can create compassion and that is how I hope people feel for their fellow Muslims in the Morgan Hill community. Thank you so much for making a positive difference.
Lindsay Al-Esawi,
Morgan Hill