n Live Oak High School

Morgan Hill resident Rachelle Abbey appears in a lead role in Children’s Musical Theater San Jose’s Mainstage production of Side Show, performing July 28 – Aug. 6, at the San Jose Repertory Theatre in downtown San Jose (101 Paseo de San Antonio).

Side Show is based on the true story of Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins who appeared as attractions in a variety of venues during the first half of the 20th century. Showing true courage and spirit, the girls rise from freaks in a rundown traveling sideshow to headliners on the New York stage.

Abbey plays Violet Hilton, one of the two conjoined twins. She has a long history performing with theater San Jose and has appeared in productions including Jesus Christ Superstar, Once on this Island, The Wiz, and more! Other Morgan Hill residents also appearing in the production include Nathaniel Kent, Matthew Daly, Michelle Zelina and Alexandra Daly.

Abbey will be a senior at Live Oak High School. She has performed the National Anthem at several school functions. She a member of the school’s Girls Varsity Tennis team. She has a 4.0 grade point average or greater and is an active member and officer of California Scholarship Federation.

She is active at St. Catherine Church’s choir and children’s liturgy program.

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