Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Education

6pm, Tuesday, Jan. 16

District Office

156000 Concord Circle

School Reports: Trustees will hear reports from Martin Murphy Middle School and Los Paseos Elementary.

Morgan Hill Parks and Recreation Commission

7:30pm, Tuesday, Jan. 16

Council Chambers

City Hall

17555 Peak Ave., Morgan Hill

Aquatics Center: The commission will discuss the summer activities schedule of the Aquatics Center on Condit Road.

Public Safety and Community Services Committee

5pm, Wednesday, Jan. 17

West Conference Room

City Hall

17555 Peak Ave., Morgan Hill

Fire Safety: Committee will hear an update on the regional fire study and discussion of related policy issues prior to the Morgan Hill City Council retreat on Jan. 26-27 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center.

Morgan Hill City Council and Redevelopment Agency

7pm, Wednesday, Jan. 17

Council Chambers

City Hall

17555 Peak Ave., Morgan Hill

Social Host Ordinance: The council will decide whether to ask the city to expand its social host ordinance, which holds adults accountable if they allow minors to drink in their homes, at gatherings and parties. Also, the Valley Transportation Authority will give a presentation on the proposed Community Buss Program for Morgan Hill.

Santa Clara County National Guard and Veterans Affairs Commission

3pm, Thursday, Jan. 18

County Government Center, room 156

70 W. Hedding St., San Jose

Santa Clara County Historical Heritage Commission

6:30pm, Thursday, Jan. 18

Board Chambers

County Government Center

70 W. Hedding St., San Jose

Jennifer Tate Joins: Newly appointed commissioner Jennifer Tate, a long-time Morgan Hill resident, will be welcomed during the meeting. Commission will consider the Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Coyote Creek Parkway County Park Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and Master Plan.

Architectural Review Board

7pm, Thursday, Jan. 18

Council Chambers

City Hall

17555 Peak Ave., Morgan Hill

Sports Complex: Architectural and landscape plans for the outdoor sports complex on Condit Road between San Pedro and Barrett avenues go before the board, including a new concessions building, parking lots, fencing, bleachers and a trash enclosure.

San Martin Neighborhood Alliance

7pm, Thursday, Jan. 18

Lions Club Hall

12415 Murphy Ave., San Martin

Community and Economic Development Committee

3pm, Friday, Jan. 19

West Conference Room

Council Chambers

City Hall

17555 Peak Ave., Morgan Hill

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