’S: There’s a rumor going around that Trader Joe’s, the slightly
off-beat holy grail of shoppers and seekers of gourmet dog
biscuits, offered to come to Morgan Hill and was turned down by the
•The Red Phone debuts in today’s edition and will be sounding off Saturdays in future editions. You are welcome to call us 24/7 to ask questions, report a complaint, give us a tip, offer an amusing tale of the short variety or just want people to know about something to do with Morgan Hill and the surrounding territory. We’ll check it out and have the answer in an upcoming column.

Leave us a message on the Red Phone. We won’t print your name or share it with others. We do need your name and phone number for verification purposes.

TRADER JOE’S: There’s a rumor going around that Trader Joe’s, the slightly off-beat holy grail of shoppers and seekers of gourmet dog biscuits, offered to come to Morgan Hill and was turned down by the city.

The inside scoop: Not so, says City Manager Ed Tewes. He is unaware of any application from the company. TJs did tell city staff, Tewes said, that they were interested in coming and thought they could be successful here, but they thought they could be more successful elsewhere and would be going there first.

On a slightly more positive note, TJs asked the Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Development Committee to explain how folks from the north (Almaden Valley) could be lured to a Morgan Hill TJs.

This is in response to a campaign the Chamber launched, having fans send a huge number of postcards to TJ’s headquarters in Southern California, extolling the beauties of Morgan Hill and the financial well-being of its denizens.

Alex Kennett, interim chamber director, said his EDC crew is busily collecting data to present to the company everybody wants in town.

One assumes TJs isn’t worried about luring shoppers from the south. Gilroy, Hollister and Salinas are just as hungry as we are to get a chance at Two-Buck Chuck and other goodies.

Deciding where a future TJs should locate – should we be blessed with a presence – is almost as much fun as counting the number of people who say their lives aren’t complete without one. Since few stores are installed near freeway exits, despite the huge success of the East Dunne/Highway 101 Safeway, downtown spots are often mentioned.

Albertson’s grocery at Dunne Avenue and Monterey Road is probably moving, leaving an optimum space at the busiest intersection in town. The East Third Street lot, considered for a more accessible library, is now available too.

TJ – are you listening to the plaintive calls of South Valley shoppers, from Morgan Hill, the untacky shopping area.

Bumpy ride: Why has all the heavy construction equipment sprouted between southbound US 101 and the Tennant Avenue exit? What project is coming up?

The envelope please:

Jim Ashcraft, Morgan Hill’s public works director, says Caltrans will be repairing the truly dreadful – Red Phone’s word, not his – highway pavement between Cochrane and Tennant and needs to have the concrete-making equipment nearby – it’s quick dry cement.

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