Dear Editor, This is in response to Lisa Pampuch
’s column in the Nov. 13 edition of The Times.
Dear Editor,
This is in response to Lisa Pampuch’s column in the Nov. 13 edition of The Times.
For many years I donated to the Heifer Project as people in my church were involved. But this year I received an expensive multi-folded tourist type card with pictures of happy people enjoying looking at animals at what seemed to be mini-dude ranches.
I could find little information about animals actually being sent to starving nations so I wrote for a financial report. Over 30 percent of donated money goes for advertising which our pastor, who has a background in financial planning, says is far too much. The mini-ranches are for people to visit to hear lectures on the need of aiding starving nations. From the rather guarded information sent to me, it seems that more donations are spent this way rather than shipping animals.
I don’t know if I was more disappointed or furious. I do know that if I want to help with money, I will find a missionary in a particular area and send a check directly to them. Too many institutions including the Heifer Project find that money too inviting to put to the use for which we expect it to be used.
Lisa’s column was excellent. Heifer Project could probably use her in their PR work. I just wish they cared more for the starving than in showing animals that will never be sent where they are needed.
Maybe you will be as disappointed as I am and will find a charity that is a bit more caring.
Dorothy C. Pierce, Morgan Hill