music in the park, psychedelic furs

No obligation to landowners to turn their land into a developed profit center
Dear Editor,
I recently reviewed the Morgan Hill Local Election Candidates Forum 2012 as recorded by MHAT. Included was a response to an open space question by Councilmember Marilyn Librers. It provided insight into the Councilmember’s view of the City’s annexation of farmland in the South East Quadrant. In her answer, she responded with a statement that “a lot of people (in the SEQ) want to sell their land” with a follow-up comment that there is a lack of profit in being a farmer. Both statements seem to indicate that this community has an obligation to landowners in the SEQ that would justify the City’s annexation.
I disagree and the response is disturbing. Farmlands in the SEQ are not within our City limits. This is unincorporated county land. The City of Morgan Hill is surrounded by thousands of acres of such lands. The community, this city and its residents cannot be obligated to insure the profitability of anyone let alone anyone outside our City’s boundaries. If we did this in the SEQ what would prevent a thousand others in making the same argument?
Mrs. Librers cites information from the Santa Clara County Farm Bureau and suggests these lands are no longer viable. Let’s talk about that. The Bureau is an organization that has nothing to do with Santa Clara County government. It is a group of businessmen advocating for their self-interests. It includes a 10-member Board including three that represent George Chiala Farms. Yes, three.
George Chiala has been pressing for annexation of his farmland in the SEQ.  He cannot subdivide his property into profitable lots for housing under County guidelines but he can and he wants to if the lands are annexed into the City limits. The City issued an official report recently that indicates that these lands are viable.
Mrs. Librers cites a need to annex to what amounts to hundreds of acres of farmlands for parks and ball fields.  Let’s talk about that, too. We have 3,000 vacant acres within our City limits within an existing infrastructure to support new parks. Why would the City not focus on building local neighborhood parks, parks our children can walk safely to, before paving over valuable farmlands outside our City limits?
Councilmember Librers is missing information necessary to make critical decisions. I have requested time to meet with Mrs. Librers to discuss the SEQ. All requests have been ignored. That is a shame, it also contradicts her opening forum statement of being “open to listening” and “being approachable.”
George Chiala may want to sell his lands but this community cannot be obligated to annex his lands to insure his profits. Hundreds of thousands of public dollars have already been spent and will be spent needlessly in this effort.  Councilmember Librers has a long relationship with George Chiala. I hope the Councilmember realizes that she really has but one obligation in this matter and that is to the residents of Morgan Hill.
Mark Grzan, Morgan Hill 
Catholic High School group working through ‘proper channels’ on land issues
Dear Editor,
The South County Catholic High School committee is working in accordance with the city of Morgan Hill in respect to land issues. We are happy to meet with any interested or concerned party to review our plan.  
We can be reached at 408-776-1017 or in**@so***************************.com.  We will continue to work through the proper channels as necessary and will address all issues through the appropriate forums.
Carl Reinhardt and South County Catholic High School Committee
Get ready Water Cooler panelists – R.I.P America under ‘Emperor Obama’
Dear Editor,
After reading the comments from the Nov. 9 issue of Around the Water Cooler, I now have a better understanding of how this country has gotten into its present downward spiral. Ten of 11 panel members are happy with the results of the most recent election.
Sixty million Americans just rejected arguably the most honest and most competent presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan. A man who has the experience, the detailed plan and the sincere desire to pull this country out of the abyss. I am reminded of the Spanish philosopher George Santayana, who said those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
In spite of what Emperor Obama promised during his first campaign five years ago about how he could bring the country together, he failed in this respect like he has failed in every other aspect of his presidency. We as a country are probably more divided now than in any other time since the American Civil War.
The ironic part of it is you socialist-loving, Mormon-hating, dope-smoking, welfare-loving, rich white liberals, global-warming proponents, gun-hating, illegal-immigration loving, big-government, anti-capitalists, constitution-rejecting, Chris (I’m so glad we had that storm) Matthews loving, illegal voters and other Obama sycophants are all going to have to deal with the disastrous results of another four years of this current administration just like the rest of us.
As I see it, Obama accomplished two things during his first four-year reign. Like a pimple that has come to a head and can no longer be ignored, we Americans can no longer ignore the country’s incremental creep toward socialism over the past 60 plus years. His second accomplishment is Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst president in U.S. history.
R.I.P. the late great Constitutional Republic of the United States.
Jim Becker, Morgan Hill
Free expression means just that – even if it’s visual art condemning the president
Dear Editor,
Really Mark Grzan, I did not realize that I was writing a letter of support for Mr. Lebeck. I would hope that you go back and read my letters. Your letter grossly misrepresents what I said.
It is subtle how people twist the truth in politics. Whatever you mean by support for Mr. Lebeck, you agreed with me and that is that he has the right to speak and that we have the right to respond.
Visual Art is just that. That was Mr. Lebeck’s form of expression in this instance. I was not commenting on if it was good or bad.  A cross in a jar of urine and the Virgin Mary covered in manure were at one point in an art gallery so I guess someone considered that art and it was a visual art.
You want to cloud the issue because, if my guess is right, you support President Obama and you have no way to support his record, so you try and suppress speech and expression, and tear down people that do not agree with you. Your implication that I “support hate, which can foster into criminal acts including attacks on citizens, property, children men and women” is your rationalization to marginalize my point of view.
 One of my letters was responding to Carol Jones’ letter that tried to attach Mitt Romney to Mr. Lebeck’s display. I was outraged that she would twist politics that way.  That is all.  However, what  bothers you the most is that you do not agree with me about the president’s record or our American values, the Constitution,  free markets, rule of law, or our Bill of Rights.
No, Mark, you ultimately want to be the judge over others. You would rewrite the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You would determine what threatens us. Sadly, it appears the threat is people that may disagree with you.
This is how totalitarianism starts.  
Mike Brusa, Morgan Hill

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