Your View
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$5 million for land purchase just a smokescreen to open up development in SE Quad
Dear Editor,
Let’s be clear about the city’s Aquatic’s Center. It is not an economic success. It loses more money than it receives. Other recreation programs along with city funds subsidize its operation. The city’s Outdoor Recreation Complex is also not an economic success. The city spent nearly $30 million on the complex. There are no funds to maintain it. The city therefore leases the facility to a concessionaire. The primary use of the facility is for non-residents and tournament play. Residents do not use the facility a majority of the time and not without fees.
The money received from the concessionaire offsets the daily maintenance needs but there are no funds to replace major infrastructure. Residents are on the hook should something major need to be replaced.
The new plan for 21 ball fields is to follow the same as that for the Outdoor Recreation Complex – build it and then lease it. The city will pay $5 million for the land but there it will sit, and it may sit for 10 to 20 years or more. Unlike the Outdoor Recreation Complex there are no Redevelopment Agency Funds to build, and there are no funds to maintain. But there is a solution, but we neither have the leadership, the mayor or willingness to collaborate with the school district to build new ball fields on new and existing school sites or expand upon existing park sites. 
Many peninsula cities have engaged in collaborative agreements with local school districts for recreation facilities whereby the city builds and constructs while the school district maintains.  This is a win/win. These types of facilities are often available at no fees and are utilized at 100% by local residents. 
Under this scenario, we could take the $5 million (that took many, many, years to raise), build and construct a few fields and have them ready tomorrow. That would be a far better investment than to wait 20 years.
While we glow at the thought of 21 new ball fields, residents need to look closer into the greater scheme, the hidden agenda, the ulterior motive behind the recent city property purchase and that is to undermine agriculture in our community, and open up the entire Southeast Quadrant to urban sprawl, needless annexation and line the pockets of speculators who could care less if there is a ball field or a hole in the ground as long as they make money. Unfortunately, we certainly have a Council that appears willing to do just that.
Mark Grzan, Morgan Hill
Taking another look at the historical facts surrounding the death of Jesus
Dear Editor,
Rabbi Debbie Israel’s letter objects to my comments of the Jewish Sanhedrin’s role in the death of Christ. She writes those comments were “misinformation” and denied the Jewish Sanhedrin had any role in Jesus’ death. She said Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, solely bears the blame because he ordered it to be done.
Rabbi Israel said, “Statements like the ones in his (Langdon’s) opinion piece have been the historical causes of much anti-Semitism throughout the ages” … including Jewish persecution of the Russian pogroms.
Now, “The rest of the historical story” omitted from Rabbi Israel’s view.
Pontius Pilate, as a Roman-occupier governor over Israel was under extreme pressure from the emperor, because of continuing unrest. Politically, Pilate was subject to immediate removal if he couldn’t “keep the peace.”
Although under Roman occupation, Israel was allowed self-theocratic rule (by the Sanhedrin) but did not possess the authority to execute criminals. The Sanhedrin leaders were fully aware of the political conditions regarding Pilate’s pressure to avoid troubles in Israel.
Because of the intense pressure by Jewish leaders and the multitude to put Jesus to death for blasphemy, Pilate relented, giving them their wish in order to pacify them, avoiding a riot and risk of his removal. He washed his hands, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to that yourselves.” Pilate subsequently released Barabbas, the criminal, and delivered Jesus to be crucified. Yes, as Rabbi Israel said, Pilate legally ordered Jesus’ crucifixion, but the high priest Caiaphas and the ruling Sanhedrin of Jesus’ day clearly had a roll in it. These things are recorded in the New Testament and are not “misinformation.” See: Matthew 26:62-65; Mark 27-19 – New Testament).
Jim Langdon, Gilroy

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