Dear Red Phone: We have a kind young couple who purchased a Morgan Hill home on our small block sometime ago and since that time, the front yard has become knee deep in weeds and a storage area for abandoned furniture, tools, and car/boat parts. Are there any city regulations regarding front yard blight? Just wondering, as this one house brings down the value of all the homes in our quiet little neighborhood. It is also not very appealing to look at everyday.
Red Phone: Dear tired of looking at messy front lawn: The following is a response from Code Enforcement Officer John Amos with the City. We hope you find this helpful:
“Yes, we do have ordinances dealing with blight issues. You can file an online complaint on the City’s website and we will conduct a site inspection.  Once we determine the violations, a notice will be sent to the property owners for compliance.” If you have any questions regarding the status of your complaint, please contact the Code Enforcement Officer directly at (408) 779-7241 or email him at jo*******@mo********.gov.