Red Phone

“Dear Red Phone, I wish to inquire on the status of the uneven pavement on West Dunne Avenue as a result of the new road, which is lower than the existing streets that intersect with Dunne, specifically Monterey Road and Del Monte Avenue. I also believe Barnell Road is affected as well. This is an annoyance and may be considered a hazard as well as damage your tires and suspension. I would expect for what the cost of the new road project was this may have been considered by the engineers. Is there a plan in place to level these areas out? Or did we go over budget on other projects that used RDA money foolishly?”

Red  Phone: Dear Is There a Plan, you bet there is. Red Phone contacted Scott Creer, senior civil engineer with the city, who said a final 2-inch lift of pavement has yet to be placed and it cannot be placed until the completion of the curb and gutter improvements on West Dunne Avenue.

“The curb and gutter improvements were on hold pending the removal of the utility poles,” Creer said. “Now that the poles have been removed the missing sections of curb and gutter can be installed.  This work is scheduled to be done in the next few weeks. The final lift of pavement should be in place by the end of April pending weather delays.”

There you have it, good caller. West Dunne Avenue should be completely finished very soon, and ready to route motorists smoothly east and west.

Those that rent are allowed to use sign

“Red Phone, there is an electronic sign in front of the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center on the corner of Dunne Avenue and Monterey Road that advertises religious services as well as a host of other events. The messages can be seen seven days a week. It seems like there are a couple of religious groups operating out of the community center. Since the center and its electronic sign are public properties, is it legal for the city to advertise religious services – even on days when there are no religious services?”

Red  Phone: Dear Is it Legal, Red Phone received a similar call last year and contacted Maureen Drewniany in the city’s recreation and community services department for an answer. She said several churches (four currently) rent space at the Community and Cultural Center on a weekly basis to hold their services.

“Similar to other organizations that rent our facilities for events and meetings, the churches are able to have their event information displayed on the digital display board for two weeks prior to their event,” Drewniany said. “Since the church groups’ events occur weekly their information is ongoing on the digital display board. The same is true for Morgan Hill Rotary which rents space here to hold their weekly meetings, and several other groups as well.”

For further information regarding use of the digital display board community members can contact Drewniany at 310-4277 or Ma***************@mo********.gov.

Hope that answers your questions, good caller.

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