Dear Editor, When the redistricting was done after the 2000
census, Morgan Hill was removed from communities of common
interest. This was true for our Congressional District, our State
Senate District and our State Assembly District.
Dear Editor,
When the redistricting was done after the 2000 census, Morgan Hill was removed from communities of common interest. This was true for our Congressional District, our State Senate District and our State Assembly District. Morgan Hill was put in the 11th Congressional District with Tracy and primarily cities in the San Joaquin Valley. Similarly, in the State Senate, Morgan Hill was included in a State Senate District that extends from San Luis Obispo to Los Gatos and in the State Assembly, the 27th Assembly District with Santa Cruz and other coastal communities with which we have little in common.
We represent no more than 5 percent of any of these districts, nor are our borders contiguous or our interests the same.
This is “gerrymandering” at its worst and Morgan Hill is the poster child for it.
Proposition 77 would correct this, mandating that we be a part of adjacent communities with common interests. A panel of three retired judges (“special masters”) would develop the plan. These judges would be selected by a bipartisan committee of the legislature only after meeting very specific requirements to minimize partisanship.
The Morgan Hill City Council voted unanimously to support Proposition 77.
A yes vote would correct this terrible redistricting that denies our voters the right to have a vote that is truly meaningful.
Vote YES on proposition 77.
Dennis Kennedy, Morgan Hill Mayor