Steve Betando, MHUSD Superintendent
music in the park, psychedelic furs

There are whisperings that the Morgan Hill Unified Board of Trustees is ready to offer Interim Superintendent Steve Betando a three-year contract.
That would be a mistake.
The acrimony which has enveloped the community and the school district related to two proposals to establish new charter schools in Morgan Hill is unfortunate. It could have been handled much differently to the benefit of the students in Morgan Hill. Betando, however, unsheathed the sword from the outset of Navigator Charter’s initial proposal and has not stopped slashing since.
There has been plenty of fearmongering to feed the fire, too – threats of closed schools, teacher layoffs and, most recently, the possible shelving of the proposal to transform two elementary schools into focused “academies.”
In the latter case, it causes one to wonder why the academy proposals so recently touted as a great educational leap forward would be shelved at all. If anything, fewer students would make implementation simpler and success more likely. But those are the political games being played.
Trustees should move quickly to hire a search firm. Morgan Hill has a lot to offer and should be a very attractive job for many qualified candidates. It’s not time to circle the wagons and resist change. At the very least, given the sharp division within the community over the direction of MHUSD, trustees have an obligation to keep an open mind and consider all options.
It should also be factored in that four trustee seats will be on the ballot in the next election. The time for a multi-year contract is not now – it could cost the district dearly if a new majority didn’t see eye-to-eye with Betando.
There is always a risk, of course, to look outside for a new chief. But perhaps there is a qualified candidate currently employed by MHUSD who would apply. Understandably, Betando may think a search after his service as interim would be an affront. Trustees should see it in a different light: Finding the best person for the job is their most important charge. If Betando’s that person, he won’t walk away from competition.

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