Vanessa Sutter, second from right, seen with her fellow school board trustees after the swearing in ceremony, has resigned from the MHUSD board.

First-term trustee Vanessa Sutter recently announced her resignation from Morgan Hill Unified School District’s governing body effective Aug. 15 due to her family’s relocation outside of her designated trustee area.

“It is with great difficulty that I must resign as trustee from the Morgan Hill Unified School District,” penned Sutter in her July 16 resignation letter to the MHUSD administration and school board. “My family and I will be relocating our residence and I am unable to complete the term of the office as a Governing Board Member who represents Area 5 on the Trustee Map.”

Sutter, a married mother of four who is employed as a Student Services Advisor, joined the Morgan Hill school board after winning the two-year Trustee Area 5 seat in the November 2018 election.

Vanessa Sutter

“Thank you, Vanessa, for stepping up to serve the students, staff and community in this District,” said Supt. Steve Betando upon learning the news. “I appreciate your thoughtful comments throughout your time on the board and valued your ardent advocacy for positive programs and best practices.”

In her brief political stint, Sutter first successfully fought to get her name on the Nov. 6, 2018 election ballot after initially missing the candidacy filing period. Sutter argued a county clerk misinformed her about the deadline date. A judge agreed and ordered the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters to place her name on the ballot. She defeated challenger Angelica Diaz in a two-candidate race with no incumbent. Sutter replaced former board president Tom Arnett, who resigned with two years remaining on his term.

“I am certain that you will continue to support schools toward continued success and great improvements,” Sutter continued in her July 16 correspondence. “I also feel confident that you will choose an excellent new board member to finish the remainder of my term.”

Sutter’s term expires in November 2020.

The school board, which next meets Aug. 6, will decide whether to appoint a replacement trustee to fill out the remainder of Sutter’s term or order a special election to let the local voters decide.

Back in January, current trustee Adam Escoto was appointed by the board to replace former board member Teresa Murillo, who resigned with two years remaining on her Trustee Area 7 term.

Morgan Hill converted from an at-large to a trustee area election system in 2016. A candidate must reside in a designated trustee area to run for that office. In turn, only residents who live within those boundaries can cast a vote for that specific trustee area election.

Along with Sutter and Escoto, the current seven-member board also includes board president Mary Patterson, trustees Carol Gittens, Wendy Sullivan, John Horner and Heather Orosco.

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