Birthola & Associates Student Guidance and Development will offer a variety of weekend summer programs for children and teens who want to learn more about camping and the outdoors, entrepreneurship and how to apply for college.
Registration is open now for the summer programs, and applicants who sign up by May 27 will pay reduced rates.
The nonprofit education services organization will offer the following classes this summer:
-Two college-bound workshops: One on college entrance (offered July 13, 26, 27) and another on scholarships and financial aid (August 10, 11), from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participants can select their preferred date and class. The workshops are open to high school juniors and seniors, and will take place at St. Catherine School, 17400 Peak Ave. Registration costs $90 by May 27, or $110 after May 27. To sign up, visit www.birthola.org/workshops/collegebound
-Two campout workshops open to participants 5 to 18 years old who want to learn more about camping are scheduled for July 6 or July 10, at the Community Park Baseball field, 171 W. Edmundson Ave. Registration is $75 by May 27, or $90 after May 27. Breakfast, lunch and camping gear included. For more information and to register visit www.birthola.org/workshops/camp.
-Children age 9 to 18 who dream of owning their own business and want to learn more about what it takes to do so, can attend Birthola’s entrepreneur workshops 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. July 9 and July 16, at Tomatio Mexican Eatery, 10980 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill. Registration is $90 before May 27, or $110 after May 27. For more information or to sign up, visit www.birthola.org/workshops/entrepreneur.