As temperatures soar, the State Water Board is urging water conservation when there is a power alert. Delaying lawn watering, laundry or dishwashing for just a few hours can free up electricity for air conditioning and other vital purposes.
Every gallon of water used requires power for water suppliers to pump it and, in many cases, purify it. Using less water for domestic purposes also puts less pressure on sewage treatment facilities, and uses less energy for water heating.
“While water generates electricity at dams, it also uses lots of power when it is moved around the state, pumped from wells or is transported in pipes,” said Tam Doduc, State Water Board chairman. “We are talking about enough power to cool thousands of California homes.”
As a regional heat wave persists over California, new record power demands have been set and high levels of use are expected to continue, according to the California Independent Service Operator (ISO).
“Energy conservation is always important, especially during heat waves. Every gallon of water we save before 6pm means there is additional electricity available for more important purposes. Conservation reduces the strain on California’s grid,” said Yakout Mansour, president and CEO of the California ISO.
For more information about saving electricity visit and monitor the California ISO Web site at for updated information about the electricity supply.