Skaters and BMXers can enjoy the Morgan Hill skate park for free, as the city eliminated the previous $1 daily use fee for good.
During the summer, city staff dropped the fee on a trial basis. They found that allowing free use of the park resulted in increased attendance at the park that saw a sharp drop in use when the fee and other rules were implemented in 2010 according to city staff.
Daily attendance went up this summer to about 12 users per day, compared to about 11 during the same time last year, according to city staff. At the same time, enrollment in fee-based skate and BMX camps at the park increased.
Park users are still required to wear helmets and arm and knee padding while skating or BMXing. Equipment rentals and sales are available at the park as well.
The Morgan Hill skate park is located adjacent to the parking lot of the Centennial Recreation Center, 171 West Edmundson Ave.