The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office has received $125,000 as part of the grant assistance program from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to assist in fighting drinking-related crimes.
The grant from ABC will allow the Sheriff’s Office to target those premises within its jurisdiction that contribute problems to the community.
Already in place, the Sheriff’s Office Minor Decoy program has been very successful. The program takes 18-20-year-old Sheriff’s Office youth cadets and sends them out to various establishments in Santa Clara County in an attempt to purchase alcohol. The local compliance rate is well over 80 percent. The conviction rate, for those cited, has been 100 percent.
Nationwide, compliance is at 80 percent for the Minor Decoy program. Prior to the Minor Decoy program being enacted in 1987, compliance was below 50 percent nationwide.
This grant will allow the Sheriff’s Office to expand its goal of curtailing underage drinking and the resulting car accidents in Santa Clara County.