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Dear Red Phone:


Two months after the city started the “complete streets” Monterey Road narrowing trial, it still seems some motorists don’t know or don’t care how to make their way across the buffered bicycle lane to make a right turn or enter a parking space. Perhaps you could educate readers and drivers on how to safely navigate the downtown road. Is MHPD going to enforce traffic violations during the trial?


Red Phone response:


You may have noticed the police have placed a radar trailer on Monterey Road through the downtown, to let motorists know if they are exceeding the speed limit in an effort to keep traffic calm, which is a key goal of the city in implementing this trial. The temporary lane reduction scenario will continue for a full six months, until August. After that, city officials will study a set of metrics they are measuring right now in making a recommendation as to whether the traffic setup should become permanent from Dunne to Main avenues.


Morgan Hill Police Officer Max Cervantez said that to date, no citations have been issued for motorists encroaching on the bike lane. However, officers have stopped a number of drivers to issue warnings and educate offending motorists about the proper bicycle lane usage.


Cervantez also offers some basic guidelines on how motorists can ensure that vehicles and bicyclists can coexist:


“A bicycle lane may be traversed by a motor vehicle to make a right turn or to park where a space is available,” Cervantez said.


“In Morgan hill, the easiest way to make a right turn is to follow the street engineers’ road markings. The solid white painted line will change to a dashed white painted line to indicate a motor vehicle may cross for a turning movement. California law prohibits entering a bicycle lane prior to 200 feet to make a right turn. Don’t forget to signal at least 100 feet prior to your turning movement.


“Parking is simpler, just look over your right shoulder to make sure there are no approaching bicyclists, then park as you normally would. It is OK to cross over a bicycle lane to get to a legal parking stall. Again, don’t forget to signal your turning movement.


“U-turns are permissible in downtown Morgan Hill unless a ‘no U-turn’ sign indicates otherwise.


“Driving a motor vehicle, including a motorcycle, in a bicycle lane is a violation of the California Vehicle Code. Morgan Hill Police will follow state recommendations for traffic safety.”


Let’s hope that answers your question, and all motorists take heed of traffic laws in order to avoid dangerous situations on the roads.

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