Why are you running?
I am seeking a second term on the Morgan Hill City Council as I believe we have important matters to be dealt with over the next four years. A few examples are the wind down of the RDA, the update of our 10 years old General Plan, and reviewing the options for the SEQ of our City. I have decided to run for re-election because I have 4 years of knowledge in these important issues and can contribute with my experience. I am a 35 year resident of Morgan Hill and I care about my city and the community. I am willing to step up and make hard decisions and will gather facts and input before taking steps that affect others.
What are your three top priorities?
1. Closing out the RDA and dealing with the State of California to protect the City’s assets; 2. Economic development including downtown Morgan Hill and our business parks; 3 Strong and responsible fiscal stewardship
What will be your objectives when negotiating new contracts with the city’s three labor unions when the current contracts expire June 30, 2013?
Labor negotiations are never easy. I want to be fair to all involved. I will be open to all discussions with all parties. I am hopeful the unions will also be respectful of the City’s budget constraints. Times have changed in all areas of the work force from small business to large government agencies. Unfortunately for all of us the “hay day” of the 1980s and 1990s has gone away. We must now look at every line item of our budget and we must all be united in answering to the changing time and financial situation.
What kind of relationship do you expect the council to have with the new city manager over the next four years, whoever he or she may be?
It certainly would need to be a relationship of mutual respect. The City Manager manages the day to day operation of the organization while the City Council governs the organization. I would expect there to be open and complete communication in regards to all City business.
Would you support asking the voters for a local tax (sales, parcel, utility, etc.) to provide an extra source of revenue to pay for street repairs or other basic services which cannot be adequately covered by existing revenue sources?
Ouch! No one likes to think of more taxes however the reality of it is we might have to ask the votes for a utility tax. Morgan Hill is one of the few cities in Santa Clara County that does not have a utility tax. I don’t think a new tax is a good idea right now however it is something to be considered in the future. The state of California is taking more and more of the property taxes, sales taxes, etc. that we depend on to run our City.
Do you think the City should continue to pursue redevelopment of downtown properties such as the Granada Theater and Downtown Mall, despite the absence of the redevelopment agency and the recent state controller’s report that could remove local control of those resources?
I would love to see downtown Morgan Hill grow and become a destination spot in South County. How we would accomplish this I’m not sure at this time. However I do believe that we must increase our exposure to tourist. I currently serve on the volunteer committee to promote tourism. This is not a Council assignment it is something I believe in. One area we must address immediately is the parking availability in the downtown area. If we were to reopen the Granada Theater or build a new theater parking will have to be at the top of the list for success.
Do you think there is enough cultural or ethnic diversity on the city’s three commissions? What would you do to improve diversity?
It is the goal of the Council to celebrate the rich diversity of our community. We have just appointed two Hispanic commissioners to our Library and Arts Commission which is a start in the right direction. Last year I worked with the Library and Arts Commission on a free concert “Breaking the Sound Barrier.” The purpose of the concert was to bring the community together and be reminded of our cultural differences. Before become becoming a Council Member I served 6 years on the Park and Recreation Commission. Although we did not have a wide range of diversity we would of not excluded anyone for any reason. Most importantly we as City representatives need to be approachable and open to all opportunities to add diversity to every aspect of the City.
What volunteer activities are you involved in?
This year and already planning for 2013 I am on the committee for the Cops and Robbers Ball that supports our police department. I am the logistics chair and will volunteer at the event. I am on the committee for Safe Trick or Treat to be held in downtown Morgan Hill. I am organizing volunteers to help with crowd control and safety in the streets. I will be at the event to help as needed. The Sister City Association is holding a fund raising event on Oct. 14 to celebrate partnerships with our four Sister Cities. I am on the ticket sales committee and will volunteer at the event. I serve on the Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee. We promote and encourage people to visit our area and enjoy the many attractions we offer.
What are your two favorite movies? Why?
“Social Media” – It was a fascinating outline of what became a success story but not without fall out. I admire the drive and passion to succeed.
“Waiting for Superman” – It was a powerful and alarming documentary about America’s failing public school system. Very much an eye-opener.
Do you think the city and council should do more to reach out to the community to inform residents of meetings, decisions and events that affect them?
I think we do a very good job of making information available through open houses, workshops, notification to residents and a current and easy to use website. Unfortunately there is an old saying “you a can lead a horse to water however you can’t make them drink.” This is very much the case with a lot of citizens. There are very few who are truly engaged in what the City is doing however they are those you are willing to complain because issues are not to their liking. Please don’t complain if you aren’t willing to be involved. Come to the meetings and voice your option. I am very approachable and will take what is said to heart. I want to hear both sides of all issues.
Where do you think the city should purchase property to develop new baseball and softball fields?
I would like to see sports fields stay near our existing recreational area off Condit Road. This is the plan that makes sense to me. Properties south of Morgan Hill have no facilities (restaurants/hotels) that will encourage economic growth. South of Morgan Hill will not attract people to visit downtown.
As an incumbent, what is the best decision and worst decision you’ve made in your time on the City Council?
The best decision I made was to run for office. The second best decision took place a few years ago when the City decided to take over the towing services from the four local towing companies. I fought hard to bring the City and the tow companies to the table to discuss this option. If the City had taken over these operations four companies would have gone out of business. These companies represent three or more generations of family owned businesses. I was able to work out a plan so the tow companies kept the contracts while paying a potion of the revenue back to the City. I feel very strongly about small businesses in our City and we should embrace their contribution to Morgan Hill, not erase their livelihoods.
Worst decision: My family often tells me I have selective memory and this might just be the case. I do not recall any vote or decision I have made that I regret. I am often a lone vote on items before Council. I vote for what I feel is right for all involved. I do not follow just be accepted. I am willing to step up and vote for what I believe is right.
Marilyn Librers, incumbent
Age: n/a
Occupation: Executive director of the Pauchon Research Institute
Family: Two grown children