As a parent of a child who recently graduated from Live Oak High
School and another who is at Britton, I was overwhelmed with
disappointment with the ed specs report (academic performance) of
Live Oak High School that was presented by principals Rich Knapp
and Nancy Sergistad at the Dec. 15 School Board meeting.

As a parent of a child who recently graduated from Live Oak High School and another who is at Britton, I was overwhelmed with disappointment with the ed specs report (academic performance) of Live Oak High School that was presented by principals Rich Knapp and Nancy Sergistad at the Dec. 15 School Board meeting.

I was aware when my family moved to this town that the overall high school performance was weak, yet Mr. Knapp demonstrated with visual performance charts that Live Oak High School is seriously under performing. When compared to and ranked with 11 similar Bay Area high schools our high school is practically dead last.

As I listened to these horrific results, it occurred to me the four senior school board members served their term during this period that Mr. Knapp presented. Their emotions seemed to be of utter shock and surprise. Why were the Board members not aware of these pathetic results? Is it not their duty to be on top of the high school performance? If they were aware, what have they been doing to improve these results? It appears that any attempts that they may have tried were of limited success.

While the Board was quick to announce the great success of the elementary schools, it is now time to concentrate on the academic quality of the middle and high schools. I also urge the district to post Mr. Knapp’s Live Oak High School performance statistics on the school district Web site. Everyone in the community should be aware of the urgency to concentrate on the needs of our high school students.

The board is now considering reducing the school day at the middle school by one hour effective August 2004. Lessening the opportunities to learn at the middle school will only further erode academic standings at the high school. Unfortunately for many students this lost hour at school will not be replaced with educational pursuits off campus. If anything, the response to Mr. Knapp’s presentation of poor high school performance should be increased hours at the middle school with electives to explore and learn.

As many others in the community, I am saddened that recall notices were delivered to the four senior board members, however, declining performance standards at the high school and poor judgments made by the Board members demand action now.

Since our high school performance has hit rock bottom, a new school board needs to be established. The time to make important structural and financial decisions for Sobrato High School is upon us; the district must not repeat the same mistakes that were made at Live Oak. It is too long to wait until the November election to decide if the senior members will remain on the School Board, since any change would not be effective until January 2005 – an entire year away.

Deborah Sparacino, Morgan Hill

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