music in the park, psychedelic furs

Everyone enjoys a good fireworks show as part of their traditional Fourth of July celebrations, but Morgan Hill Police are warning residents that there will be only one sanctioned, permitted fireworks show for the upcoming holiday. All other fireworks are illegal in the city limits, and police and fire officials have adopted a “zero tolerance” policy toward the ignition, sale and possession of the incendiary devices.

Furthermore, the city will impose triple the usual fines for violations of Morgan Hill’s fireworks ordinance from July 1-7, according to police. That means the first violation of use or possession of fireworks in the city limits can result in a $300 fine for the violator; the second violation will cost a $600 ticket, and a third violation can result in a $1,500 fine from July 1-7.

“Fireworks have resulted in brush fires, damaged homes, missing pets and unnecessary injuries,” reads a press release from the Morgan Hill Police Department. “Our surrounding hills are very dry and every illegal firework poses a significant threat to the safety of our community.”

The City of Morgan Hill will partner local nonprofit Independence Day Celebrations Inc. to produce a free fireworks extravaganza show the night of July 4 at the Outdoor Sports Center on Condit Road. The show, including pre-fireworks entertainment, is scheduled from 5-10pm July 4.

All other fireworks, including “Safe and Sane” pyrotechnics purchased in other cities, are illegal in Morgan Hill, police said.

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