A group of about 10 Britton Middle School students were seen tagging a structure at Second Street and Monterey Road. The vandalism was reported 3:24 p.m. March 27.
A thief or thieves tried to break into two model homes on Diana Avenue. The suspect or suspects drilled the door handle off one of the homes, and tried to wedge the door open on the other. The crime was reported 12:55 p.m. March 19.
Someone tagged the door of Live Oak High School, 1505 E. Main Ave. The incident was reported 12:08 p.m. March 26.
Stolen vehicle
Someone stole a white 2011 Mercedes Benz from a location on the 16700 block of Condit Road. The vehicle was later found abandoned off the roadway near the intersection of Sycamore and Oak Glen Drive. The theft was reported 8 p.m. March 20.
A group of young subjects was causing a disturbance on the top level of the downtown parking structure, located at 50 East Third Street. The subjects were being loud, racing vehicles, smoking and drinking alcohol. The disturbance was reported 9:19 p.m. March 23.
Minor injuries were reported in a vehicle accident at East Dunne Avenue and Hill Road March 26. A Maserati collided with a Ford Expedition, resulting in “major front end damage” to the Maserati, according to police reports. The Maserati’s driver was arrested on suspicion of DUI. The accident was reported 12:01 p.m.
A red Volkswagen Jetta and a green Dodge van collided head on in a traffic accident on Jarvis Drive March 27. Minor injuries were reported. The accident was reported about 1:50 p.m.
All subjects are innocent until proven guilty. Information is compiled from public records.