Guest view: State budget prioritizes education
On June 15, the legislature passed a $122 billion budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year, building on six years of responsible state spending and fiscal management. The spending plan invests in public education focuses on significant issues such as poverty, housing and childcare; and continues to add reserves to the state’s rainy day fund.
Fight Against Alcohol Abuse Needs to be Multi-Pronged
Last week, the newspaper covered the Santa Clara County Department of Alcohol and Drugs Services (DADS) press conference announcing the lawsuit it filed against the state Board of Equalization (BOE). The BOE, responsible for taxing beverages, classifies "alcopops" as beer, though they are vodkas and whiskeys. The classification of the fruity, sweet-flavored distilled spirits significantly lowers their tax to 20 cents per gallon instead of $3.30 per gallon. This keeps their prices low to consumers makes them widely availability in convenience stores, which have licenses to sell only beer and wine. Recent studies show the low price and increased availability encourage consumption, particularly among young girls ages 13-15.
Gleefully Reminiscing About Paradise Points
Not long ago, on an absolutely warm and beautiful day, my wife, Joanne, and I journeyed to San Juan Bautista to visit La Casa Rosa. We have loved this restaurant for, at least, 20 years. They serve only three entrees:Â Old California, New California, or Chicken. (I am not going to explain. You have to find out.)
Summer Music: Hits For the iTunes Generation
As the summer heats up, so does the music scene. Pop-rock superstar Kelly Clarkson and the billboard-busting group Maroon 5 are releasing new records, which have been highly anticipated by international fans. But by far the summer's greatest event for die-hard rock fans is the revival of the Smashing Pumpkins in their new album Zeitgeist. The band's first album in seven years came out on July 10. Fans remark that the album strays away from dealing with inner conflicts, a common Pumpkin theme, and instead has explored current global situations, most notably with their single "Doomsday Clock" that criticizes people for ignoring atrocities initiated by world leaders.
No RDA Benefits in RDA-Funded Outdoor Sports Complex
The Morgan Hill Times Aug. 17 editorial supporting the Condit Road outdoor recreation complex is misleading and misinformed. The complex, wonderful in its concept and design, in my opinion will not serve the Redevelopment Agency (RDA). It is funded by RDA dollars but does not fulfill the intent and mission of the RDA and that is a concern. The primary purpose of the complex as stated in the authorizing resolution as approved by the City Council is to bring jobs, new development, reduce crime and blight within the RDA project area. The new sports complex does not do that.
Making the most of education dollars
California's fiscal outlook continues to worsen. Concern is now