42.3 F
Morgan Hill
March 9, 2025

Vote now on Charter petition

Morgan Hill Unified School District trustees should make up their minds and vote – as it’s legally required to do – next week on whether to accept or reject the petition by Navigator Schools to open an elementary school.

Turn the wheels of justice

It’s been a year since Antolin Garcia Torres, 22 of Morgan Hill, was arrested and charged with the kidnap and murder of 15-year-old Sierra LaMar.

Making our city even more attractive

Recently there’s been an abundance of enthusiasm for the economic future of our town vis a vis tourism. It’s a well-founded enthusiasm which should be nurtured by the city, the Chamber of Commerce and the business community.

New direction for Chamber now

The Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce needs a new director and the Board ought not to dilly and dally about it – let’s move on.

Gavilan president for a month reaps $20,000?

Back surgery will keep Gavilan College President Steve Kinsella out of his office for a month this spring. But presumably following the surgery and an initial recovery period, he’ll be available on the phone should any need for a critical emergency decision arise.

County using a sledgehammer to dismantle RDA

Two members of an oversight board for the dismantling of the city’s Redevelopment Agency controlled by the County of Santa Clara were just summarily dismissed without cause.

Morgan Hill 2035: Get it done in 2 years

Mayor Steve Tate is right on point in pushing for the city’s comprehensive General Plan update to be done in two years. Yes, the three-year outline is impressive in bulk and style, but with some editing and creative compression there’s nothing in the plan that the city can’t accomplish in two years time.

Getting guns off the streets

1  Time is ripe for a local gun buyback program to succeed

Blessing for Catholic high school

1. Annexation to the city should not muddy proposal

Morgan Hill Prep School possible

Morgan Hill Unified School District trustees should keep an open mind as discussions concerning opening an elementary charter school bob to the public surface.

