The City of Morgan Hill asked residents for questions and comments on the California High Speed Rail Authority’s plans to build the 200-mph-plus train through or around the city. Below are some of those comments and questions, which city staff presented to the Morgan Hill City Council at the Nov. 16 meeting and are available to view on the city’s website. The council plans to submit a comprehensive list of questions about the HSR’s potential impact on Morgan Hill, in hopes of influencing the state agency’s choice on its preferred route alignment. Concerned residents can still submit questions and comments to the city by visiting morganhill.ca.gov and searching for High Speed Rail, which will bring users to a page with information and forms for submitting input. See related story for more information on the HSRA’s four alignment alternatives. Comments below are edited for length and clarity.
Has there been consideration of tourism and quality-of-life impact when considering a final alignment choice, or is it purely economic? An HSR alignment through downtown Morgan Hill would destroy the character of this unique area.
Andrew Sterian
Why would the alignment not occur in the most obvious location—along with the existing railroad line?? The home value and quality of living in the Diana neighborhood will be severely impacted should the rail be put in along the west side of 101. My house will not be one purchased in eminent domain but would be in the first row of houses adjacent to the planned location on the west side of 101. The rail will without a doubt create a negative impact on my home’s value. Please consider what will happen to home values in the entire Diana neighborhood should the west side (alignment) be chosen. Why would you add a rail line in a neighborhood instead of in a downtown area where it makes sense. The community should share the burden of the rail’s addition, not the homeowners, who already live next to 101 to begin with! Please do what you can to prevent loss of the investment we made when purchasing a home in Morgan Hill.
Dana Morton
Will there be any tall redwood trees planted to on both sides of the raised viaduct to mitigate noise and visual impact?
William Carlson
What can the city of Morgan Hill do to stop this huge boondoggle?
Mark Hinkle
How will the HSR determine which properties need to be taken? How will the HSR ensure that there is no loss to the residential properties that are not strictly needed for right of way access but would be close to the proposed route? Will the HSR purchase enough residential properties alongside the track to ensure that there is a cushion of green space and thereby ensure that the remaining home’s property values are not impacted? Will anything be done to beautify the space between the HSR and the residential areas around it? Will homeowners who wish to move for no other reason but that the HSR will be constructed in their neighborhood be reimbursed realty fees and any loss in property value due to the HSR being present or the need to disclose its future presence? Will the HSR work with the City to make sure that no resident is financially hurt?
Susan Eassa
How many trains will be scheduled to travel through Morgan Hill on a daily basis?
Lauri Quigley
Traci Valdez
If the East or West 101 routes through Morgan Hill are chosen, how will you mitigate impact on Coyote Creek Park and Trail including impacts to wildlife, waterfowl, and birds that call that area home? In addition, how will you maintain the current quiet and peaceful rural environment for hikers, walkers and bicyclists?
Debra Ullmann
Are there plans or intentions to provide bus service to the San Jose and Gilroy terminals? If so, will fares be included in the cost of HSR tickets? Will the residents of Morgan Hill be provided with lower ticket rates? Will VTA bus schedules be aligned with train schedules? Will VTA and HSR offer interchangeable tickets? How about with BART, ACE and Caltrain? Will HSR work with local companies and schools to provide lower ticket rates?
Yudhvir Sidhu
Will there be a study about noise pollution effects in Morgan Hill?
Pravin Lathigara
Jeanne Wise