VTA Audit a Joke Since the Enron-like Accounting Premise is a Sham/Scam
Dear Editor,
No reliable or trustworthy audit can be had from the Valley Transportation Authority because, unlike true “businesses” which are required by Corporations Code Section 114 to be completely truthful when compiling their financial reports, transit agencies in California are not required to use Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
So VTA does what Enron’s management did with “off-book” capital and fixed costs, thereby concealing the true extent of VTA’s insolvency and growing dependence on taxpayer dollars.
Joe Thompson, Gilroy
Vote ‘No’ on Proposition 90
Dear Editor,
Proposition 90 is one of the most deceptive initiatives on the California ballot in decades. It’s being sold to the voters as “eminent domain reform” but buried in the text is a loophole that allows virtually anyone to sue over basic laws that protect our environment and our communities, simply by claiming a new law has caused economic loss to their property. No matter how far-fetched the claim, taxpayers could be on the hook for the cost of these lawsuits and payments.
Proposition 90 creates a lose-lose situation. If communities act to protect their quality of life, taxpayers could be forced to make huge payouts. Or, if we can’t afford the payouts, basic quality-of-life and environmental protections simply won’t be enacted. The negative impacts of this measure are virtually limitless. For example, it would restrict our ability to control unwanted development, to limit the number of liquor stores in an area, or to pass new laws that protect our coast – just to name a few.
Passing Proposition 90 would threaten the quality of life for communities throughout the state and would cost taxpayers billions of dollars. Many agree that something needs to be done to reform eminent domain, but Proposition 90 goes way too far.
Michele Beasley
South Bay Field Representative, Greenbelt Alliance
Time to Oust Pombo Has Finally Arrived
Dear Editor,
Republican Congressman Richard Pombo, who was once in favor of a three-term limit for congress, has been safely hiding out in the gerrymandered 11th district for seven terms where he has become arrogant about issues that matter to the people.
His votes are for his special interests not ours. His constituents who fund him are: big oil, oil drillers, developers, and lobbyists like Jack Abramoff. I googled Pombo and corruption and 155,000 hits come up. I doubt any involve corruption fighting by the incumbent!
Votes for the people are hard to find in Mr. Pombo’s record. He gets low ratings by all groups that care about the human condition and the planet’s health.
Jerry McNerney will be a great Congressman. He is well-educated, a competent thinker and a concerned citizen who appears to be seeking election out of frustration that we have been so poorly served by Pombo. A vote for McNerney is a vote for good and honest government.
Lee Miller, Stockton