St. Olaf College
Morgan Hill resident Rebecca Blessing was among more than 1,500 St. Olaf College students recognized for academic achievement at the college's annual Honors Day convocation May 5. Blessing is a junior at St. Olaf, a Northfield, Minn.-based four-year college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Festival Gives Back to the Community
Celebrating Morgan Hill's top crop – the Mushroom – is not the main purpose of the Mardi Gras Festival. The real reason for all the fungus-eating and fun-making is money. The festival is a non-profit organization with every dollar above and beyond the cost of putting on the festival going into the scholarship fund, as well as providing donations to non-profit clubs and organizations who participate in the festival.
College will begin first phase of Measure E projects
College will begin first phase of Measure E projects
Education Foundation Gives Nearly $20,000 in School Grants
Group gives more than 20 awards to local schools
Gulizia Honored
Nate Gulizia of Morgan Hill has been named a United States Award Winner in Honor Roll.
Students May Attend Commencement Despite Failing State Exit Exam
Seniors will receive completion certificates
School Officials Crack Down on Monday’s Student Walkout
Principals punish students with one-day suspension, campus