‘Raising A Moral Child’ Seminar
Parents value integrity, discipline and respect and often wonder how they can best pass their values on to their children. The key principles needed to raise an ethical child will be the subject of an open discussion with Mount Madonna School Principal and acclaimed educator Dr. Sarada Diffenbaugh.
Mount Madonna School
From the history of life on earth to a glimpse into the future, Dr. Art Sussman has a talent for making science understandable, interesting, relevant and fun for students of all ages. On Oct. 24, students at Mount Madonna School will have the opportunity to witness Sussman in action, when Dr. Art's Planet Earth Show comes live to the scenic mountain campus.
Morgan Hill Unified School District News
As a part of district-wide emergency preparedness planning, elementary schools are asking parents to prepare an eight-hour emergency "comfort kit" for their children. The kits, which will be stored in the child's classroom, are designed to help both kids and parents stay calm when they are separated in an emergency.
Los Paseos Elementary School News
Los Paseos Elementary School students planted 21 new shade trees on the campus last week. The trees were donated by Our City Forest, a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating an "urban forest" in the city of San Jose. Our City Forest also provided expert guidance in how to properly plant, stake and care for the trees.
Sobrato High School Offers Extracurricular Clubs
Sobrato High School offers various extracurricular activities for its diverse student population. On Sept. 13, students had an opportunity to sign up for a variety of organizations and clubs during Club Day.
Live Oak High Alumni Gather
Graduates from 1938 through 1945 filled the Golden Oak restaurant as they gathered for one big reunion this summer. Ninety graduates from the eight classes attended the celebration. Morgan Hill resident Margaret Johnston, Class of 1943, said the reunion was particularly special because a former teacher and school counselor, Phyllis Thomas, was present.
Santa Clara County Office of Education expands program
Fit for Learning, a program by the Santa Clara County Office of Education to combat child obesity, is being expanded to reach students in grades kindergarten through sixth.
Adrienne Akinsete is new vice president of Instructional Services at Gavilan College
Adrienne Akinsete, Gavilan College's newest administrative addition, will receive an official welcome from college staffers today.