92.6 F
Morgan Hill
September 7, 2024

Anti-sex harassment training review slated

The community will have the opportunity next week to take a look

Students praise “Every 15 minutes”

Losing friends to drunk driving, real or imagined, hits home

More Peet Road discussion on Oct. 4 school board agenda

A forum on the Borello Elementary School property, a presentation by City of Morgan Hill staff on its Below Market Rate Housing Program, a Measure G quarterly report and Charter School of Morgan Hill’s annual update are all on the Oct. 4 docket for Morgan Hill Unified School District’s board of education meeting.

Stratford embraces Engineers Week

Students and educators at Stratford School are celebrating engineers and the many contributions they make to society during DiscoverE’s Engineers Week Feb.19 to 25.

Local Scene: Ice cream for San Martin

Patwardhan earns academic honors Tanmay Patwardhan, of Morgan Hill, was named to the 2023 spring semester Dean’s List for the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Patwardhan is a sophomore in the university’s College of Science and Engineering.  To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must...

Tech Night Aims to Increase Subject Interest

More than 200 black students, parents and community leaders from

Student of the week: Jorge Talavera Martinez

What inspires you?A few  things that inspire me are my parents, siblings, and friends. My parents have always taught me to be the best I can be and to go out of my way to do what’s necessary. My friends are always there for me and show me the values of having a second family I can always rely on.What is your favorite subject in school and why?My favorite subjects in school are Anatomy and Physiology, and Marriage Sex and Family/Psychology. These two classes always have something interesting to learn.If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?If I had the power to change anything in the world, it would be to eliminate worldwide poverty.If you could go anywhere, where would you go?If I had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, I would choose to go to Europe because there are many places to go.Name one big challenge in your life right now.One big challenge at the moment is deciding what I would like to pursue for the rest of my life.What is your dream job?My dream job would be to become a professional soccer player.What are your three favorite things?My three favorite things are my family, my friends, and soccer.What is your favorite book?My favorite book is “The Great Gatsby.”What do you want to do after high school?I would like to continue my education and go to SFSU as I have planned.Something that makes you smile:One thing that makes me smile is my mom.Most played songs on your phone, iPod, iTunes?The three songs I play most are “Mouthful of Diamonds” by Phantogram, “Electric Feel” by MGMT, and “Ms. Jackson” by Outkast.

Celebrating on the farm

Morgan Hill residents and visitors of all ages who are interested in keeping farming activities and occupations alive for local students attended the Sobrato Future Farmers of America’s Community Farm Fun Day April 12. The event took place at Sobrato High School and featured a petting zoo, games, prizes and food. The horticulture department held a plant sale for local gardeners, according to Sobrato FFA Reporter Emmanuel Calivo.“This event is a fun way for our community to interact with our agriculture program and to learn more about the things we do and study,” Calivo said.It has been a busy spring for Sobrato FFA, whose members attended the 2015 South Coast FFA Spring Regional Meeting at King City Joing Union High School March 20. One purpose of this annual gathering is to elect the FFA regional officer team, which leads a group of 38 chapters in the region.“We were incredibly proud of our chapter president, Zuha Aslam, who was elected by the delegates to serve as the 2015-16 South Coast Regional Vice President representing the Santa Clara section,” Calivo added. Sobrato FFA was also commended for its website, sobratoffa.org, at the regional meeting, and six members participated in the public speaking competition after advancing from lower sectional levels.

Coming up: First ‘Coffee with a School Board Trustee’

While sitting in on a recent “Coffee with the Mayor” session, Trustee Rick Badillo of the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Board of Education was asked by Mayor Steve Tate to answer a question from an attendee regarding education.

Extra Credit

Mount Madonna Senior Honored for Leadership

