The Morgan Hill Community Foundation hosted a celebration Thursday to showcase the winners of this year’s annual grants totaling $5,000. The celebration also honored MHCF donors who provided funds for the grants and other ongoing projects.
This year’s grant recipients will apply the funds to several programs touching as many as 450 individuals directly. The projects include:
– Child Advocates of Silicon Valley – to help fund academic tutoring, summer camps, fine arts lessons and enrichment for local foster children.
– Community Law Enforcement Foundation – to provide funding for the Parent Project, a nation-wide parenting skills program for parents with strong-willed, out-of-control adolescents engaging in destructive behaviors.
– Learning and Loving Education Center – to fund printing and reproduction expenses for literacy classes, personal finance workshops and technology training for women and children.
– Community Solutions – to augment the Enrichment Fund that provides specific assistance to clients through youth support services and mental health programs.
– Silicon Valley Education Foundation – to fund materials and training for the “Stepping Up to Algebra,” an intensive, four-week summer course for traditionally underserved youth.
– Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center – to fund hands-on wildlife education classroom programs in Morgan Hill’s elementary schools.
In addition to the $5,000 granted, the MHCF is also granting one $10,000 award to a local, qualifying nonprofit to celebrate the MHCF’s 10-year anniversary of philanthropy in Morgan Hill, known as the “10 for 10” program. Grant guidelines and applications are now available at To help raise awareness of and funds for the “10 for 10” program, the MHCF is promoting the 1st Annual Discover Morgan Hill Road Rally and Poker Fun Run, July 21, 2012.
Information and entry forms can be found at The Road Rally will not only help the “10 for 10” program, but also promote Morgan Hill and the multiple places that make south Santa Clara county an attractive place for businesses and residents.