The Morgan Hill Community Foundation awarded more than $13,000 in local grants through its spring grant cycle and donor advised fund program, as well as $5,500 in high school scholarships.
MHCF offers grants every spring to qualifying local nonprofits that successfully complete an application and independent review process. Grant awards are typically between $500 and $1,000. The MHCF and community partners operating under its fiscal sponsorship have awarded approximately $575,000 since the foundation’s 2002 inception.
More information about the program is available at morganhillcf.org.
Through its donor-advised fund program, the MHCF granted invested funds both to the Morgan Hill Historical Society’s “Centennial History Trail Maintenance” program, and the Morgan Hill Senior Support Endowment Fund.
Additionally, the MHCF awarded two grants at the most recent Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce’s “Good Morning Morgan Hill Breakfast!” The two winners selected during the event chose to direct grants to the Edward Boss Prado Foundation and TeenForce.
MHCF scholarships are awarded through the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Common Scholarship Program. This year, the MHCF awarded scholarships to six Sobrato students and four Live Oak students continuing on to higher, full-time education in a range of fields. Scholarships are typically $500, and recipients were showcased at each school’s graduation nights in early June.
“Donors make the difference,” said Rene Spring, president of the Morgan Hill Community Foundation. “Our annual grant cycle is something we are very proud of and count on donors to make it possible. Every hour spent and dollar donated adds up to make a great difference somewhere, somehow.” To donate to the MHCF scholarship program, inquire about a donor advised fund, or another way to bring about positive, local change, contact Rene Spring at (408) 722-7612.
MHCF Scholarship Winners
Live Oak High School: Robert Kuhl, Ida Tan, Emily Sanchez, Randall Coaquira
Ann Sobrato High School: Madison Doutt, Shelby McDonald, Madison Bleeg, Sylviann Nguyen, April Rivera, Jasmine Sanchez.
MHCF Spring Grant Winners
Child Advocates of Silicon Valley: Laptops for 40 foster at-risk graduating teens, some who are fostering out of the system.
Discovery Counseling: Workshops for at-risk families/youth regarding cyber dangers and safety.
Edward Boss Prado Foundation: Storage items for clothing closet serving at risk-families.
Friends of the San Martin Animal Shelter (FOSMAS): Trap, spay/neuter, and return of feral cats
Health Trust Meals on Wheels for Seniors, the homebound, and elderly
Leadership Morgan Hill Class of 2016 Project: Educational garden at Central High School / Loritta Bonfante Johnson school.
One Step Closer Ranch: Military veteran equine therapy.
Pine Ridge Association: Repair of historic barn at Henry W. Coe State Park.
South Valley Civic Theater: Microphone upgrades for local community theater.
Valley Medical Center Foundation: Bikes and helmets for children.
Morgan Hill Historical Society, funded through a grant from the El Toro Culture & Arts, a MHCF community partner: Historic Film “Stories from the Past.”