Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors

Tuesday, June 20, 9:30am

Santa Clara County Government Center

70 W. Hedding St., San Jose

Land Use: Supervisors will consider recommendations relating to the initiative for the conservation and preservation of hillsides, ranchlands and agricultural lands.

Public Safety and Community Services Committee

Wednesday, June 21, 4:30pm

Morgan Hill Police Department

16200 Vineyard Blvd.

Dispatch: The committee will tour the Morgan Hill Police Department’s Dispatch Center and review Santa Clara County grand jury recommendations on language barriers.

Morgan Hill City Council

Wednesday, June 21, 7pm

Council Chambers

17555 Peak Ave.

Budget: Council members will vote to adopt the fiscal year 2006-07 operating and capital improvement budget.

Bicycle and Trails Advisory Committee

Thursday, June 22, 6:15pm

Council Chambers

17555 Peak Ave.

Application: The committee will endorse the city’s application for a $1.9 million federally-funded grant to build a pedestrian promenade on Third Street.

Coyote Valley Study Session

Friday, June 23, 9am-12pm

San Jose City Hall, rooms W118-120

200 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose

Development: San Jose City Council members will meet with planning and housing staff to discuss Coyote Valley development.

Regional Planning and Transportation Committee

Friday, June 23, 3pm

City Hall, West Conference Room

17555 Peak Ave.

Holiday Lakes Estates: Committee members will discuss Holiday Lakes Estates sewer services and annexation matters and Coyote Valley development.

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