A homeless man, previously known to local police, was found dead next to a retail building on Monterey Road near Spring Avenue June 6, according to authorities. Police do not think foul play was a factor in the death.
Morgan Hill Police received a phone call about 3:30pm from an employee of one of the businesses located at 16795 Monterey Road. The caller reported a person was lying motionless next to the building, according to police.
Firefighters and police arrived and confirmed the adult male was dead, MHPD Sgt. Carson Thomas said at the scene Wednesday. Officers taped off the building and parking lot while they waited for Santa Clara County Coroner’s Office to arrive and take custody of the body.
The area where the man was found is in a culvert several feet away from the north side of the building, partially concealed by shrubs, grass and other vegetation.
Police are working on notifying the man’s next of kin before authorities release his identity, MHPD Sgt. Troy Hoefling added.
Officers gathered footage from surveillance cameras in the area, Hoefling said. The footage and other evidence confirms the man was not a victim of a crime or other foul play. He likely died from an unspecified “medical issue.”
Hoefling said officers think they recognized the man when they saw his body at the scene, and Morgan Hill Police have had contact with him in the past.