A pasta dinner is essential in preparation for running a marathon and this group from South County traveled to Boston for the first in person Boston marathon in two years, The Boston Marathon is typically held on Patriots Day in April. However, the April marathon was canceled for both 2020 and 2021. Rescheduled to Oct. 11, Columbus/Indigenous Persons Day, proved to be a perfect day for the run—not too cold or rainy and not too hot.
Locally, a significant number of runners from Morgan Hill qualified for Boston. Some participated in a virtual Boston Marathon that was held last year. A smaller group of athletes that qualified made the trip to Boston.
Local runners pictured at the table are Charles Weston, Madeline Bailie (Weston Miles), Kathy Gulan, LaRene Green, Mark Green, Jose Cruz, Jocelyn Awender and Able Bedolla. A few family members enjoyed great pasta with them on Saturday night before the 26.2 mile-run.