music in the park, psychedelic furs

Join a City Commission

The City of Morgan Hill is recruiting to fill two currently vacant seats on the Planning Commission, as well as four upcoming vacancies on the Library, Culture and Arts Commission (LCAC). For prospective Planning Commission candidates, applications will be accepted until Feb. 8, with tentative interview dates before the City Council at 6pm Feb. 20. Those interested in joining the LCAC must apply but Feb. 22, with interviews before the council tentatively scheduled for March 6. Anyone interested in serving on a commission can complete an online application at Anyone with questions can call the City Clerk’s office at (408) 779-7259.

Make Valentine Cards

Art of Yoga, located at 16165 Monterey Road # 200, will host a Valentine Card Making event 4pm to 6pm Feb. 1. Event hosts have cards, stickers, stamps and pens for attendees to use. The cost for supplies is $5 per participant.

Mother Son Dance

Wear your play clothes to a casual evening of fun at the Mother Son Dance Party, 6 to 9pm Feb. 2 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Road. Dance floor entertainment will be provided by One Way Music, and there will be a photo booth to capture the memories. A light dinner and refreshments will be served. If a mother is unavailable, grandmothers, aunts or family friends are welcome. Register beforehand by visiting

HAM License Testing

Amateur radio operators are invited to a study and exam session Feb. 2 at the Morgan Hill Police Department Training Room, 16200 Vineyard Blvd. A tech/general class is scheduled for 8am to 4pm, with testing for all levels scheduled for 1pm to 3pm. The fee for the test and class is $25; the fee for a test only in $14. Class size is limited and reservations are required. To register or ask any questions, email te*****@sb*****.org. The session is sponsored by the Morgan Hill OES and the San Benito County Amateur Radio Association.

Emergency Prep

The City of Morgan Hill will host an Emergency Preparedness Seminar 7pm Feb. 11 at the Morgan Hill Police Department’s training room, 16200 Vineyard Blvd. Attendees will learn what they can do to prepare for an emergency; what equipment, food and water they might need; and how they can practice to alleviate stress and errors. Registration is requested for the free seminar. To register, go to and search for “Emergency Preparedness Seminar” in Morgan Hill.

Celebrate the Chamber

The Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce hosts its annual celebration of the people, organizations and businesses of the year at an awards ceremony and dinner fundraiser from 5:45 to 9:30pm March 2 at Guglielmo Winery. The theme for this year’s awards show is “Under the Big Top,” and attendees will enjoy entertainment, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, drinks and a dessert bar. Raffle tickets and a silent auction featuring a variety of prizes from local businesses will also be part of the celebration. The event, a fundraiser for the local Chamber of Commerce, will celebrate the Chamber’s 2019 Man of the Year Rich Firato of Firato Janitorial, who chairs the Chamber’s board of directors; Woman of the Year Karen Crane; Student of the Year Alexis Munson of Live Oak High School; Educator of the Year Kathleen Rose, president of Gavilan College; Volunteer of the Year Cherisse Richards White of Cherisse’s Hair Salon; Non-profit of the Year Edward “Boss” Prado Foundation; Small Business of the Year Morgan Hill Life;  and Large Business of the Year Pinnacle Bank. Tickets to the March 2 dinner are $110 per person, or $850 for a table of eight. For tickets and more information, visit

Raising Well

The Morgan Hill Bible Church will host “Raising Well,” an interactive workshop for parents on creating effective boundaries for your kids, 7pm Feb. 28 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Road. The workshop features YouSchool founder and president Scott Schimmel. YouSchool is a community organization based in San Diego that has a mission to provide tools for young people to grow quickly in self-awareness, self confidence and self direction through guided reflection with peers and life advisors. The event is free. RSVP online at

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