Senior princesses, from left, Jessie Graves, Nicole Morrison,

There will be Live Oak High football once again on Richert
Field, beginning Friday, appropriately enough, the Acorns
’ Homecoming game against Hollister.
There will be Live Oak High football once again on Richert Field, beginning Friday, appropriately enough, the Acorns’ Homecoming game against Hollister.

The Acorn freshman, junior varsity and varsity teams played only one game on their new home field, part of the Live Oak renovation project.

After that game last month, the condition of the field deteriorated – dry spots, holes, loose sod – so that none of the school’s three football teams could practice or play there.

The condition of the field is attributed to improper maintenence, to improper type of grass, to letting teams on the field too early, or to too much practice by too many teams, depending on whom is asked.

Jay Beals of Beals Sports, the contractor for the field renovations, said the grass on the field is the same kind that is on the field at PacBell Park, home of the San Francisco Giants, but also added that the climate is warmer in Morgan Hill. This grass was the second recommendation of his company, he said, The first suggestion, a hybrid Bermuda, had additional costs attached that led district officials to go with the second choice.

The local youth sports organization, Morgan Hill Pop Warner Football and Cheer, was also kicked off the field, costing the group approximatley $5,000 in revenues per gameday.

The Live Oak High Emerald Regime Marching Band, in the midst of a strenuous fall game and competition schedule, was also banned from the field for practices.

According to Live Oak High Principal Nancy Serigstad, the insurance company that covers the field went out to the field Friday and cleared it for play for Homecoming for the junior varsity and varsity teams.

The freshman football team is trying to work out its schedule, Serigstad said.

Pop Warner competition moved to other locales for the rest of the season.

Although the band will march at halftime during home games, they are using the practice field and the parking lot to run through their routines.

“The (band) boosters have rented a cherry picker so they can see how their routines would look from bleachers,” Serigstad said. “This has really inconvenienced everyone.”

Beals said last week that Jensen Corp., the subcontractor for the field, had released the field to the school for use without Beals’ knowledge.

Calls to Jensen since last week have not been returned.

Meanwhile, Homecoming activities continue this week, culminating in Friday night’s game against the San Benito High Haybalers.

Monday was pajama day, with students dressing up in their favorite sleep attire; Tuesday was 80’s tacky day; Wednesday is hillbilly/hobo day; Thursday is Hawaiian day; and Friday is Spirit Day.

Associated Student Body (ASB) Director Norman Dow said seniors will be dressing up in togas to “show their greatness.”

The traditional Homecoming Parade is scheduled as usual, Dow said, leaving the school between 2:15 and 2:30 Friday afternoon, depending on whether all the floats are in place on time. He said the parade should reach downtown sometime after 3 p.m.

But the parade needs the community’s help this year, Dow said.

“We are desperately in need of convertibles,” he said. “They are really hard to come by.”

The convertibles will be used to drive club queens and others just during the parade. Dow said anyone willing to drive a convertible, please call him at 201-6100, ext. 1125.

Because of the new track, Dow said, the parade can not go around the field during halftime of the varsity game, so the ASB has come up with “something to make Homecoming more exciting.”

“The Emerald Regime will perform their halftime show, then we’ll have a nice firewords display in honor of our club queens and homecoming queens, then announce them all,” Dow said.

The fireworks display will be put on by the same company that does the Great America shows, acording to Serigstad.

The varsity game is scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m., but Dow advised fans to get their earlier.

“It’s always a big crowd for Homecoming, and Hollister will bring a lot of people,” he said. “The varsity game will start no later than 7:30 p.m., but the best way to get a seat is to also come for the junior varsity game at 5 p.m.”

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