music in the park, psychedelic furs

‘Excellent job’ on road resurfacing

Thank you, Morgan Hill, for paving and striping East Dunne Avenue from Hill Avenue to Holiday Lake Estates and Jackson Oaks. 

The pavers and stripers did an excellent job.

Linda O’Maley

Morgan Hill

Reduce energy costs and bill fluctuations

We understand no one likes energy bills that are higher than expected. Heat waves are causing customers to crank up their AC, which can lead to higher energy bills. 

PG&E does not add any mark up on the energy we buy for customers, neither gas nor electric. What we pay, you pay. Yet, the market prices for energy supply costs are expected to be 75% higher this summer compared to last year. 

Customers can take simple steps to reduce energy usage and lower costs. 

• Pre-cool the home: Use the AC in the morning or overnight. 

• Set thermostat at 78 degrees or higher, health permitting when home. 

• Change air filters regularly: A dirty air filter makes the AC system work harder, using more energy. •

 Close window coverings: Keep blinds and curtains closed to prevent the sun’s rays from heating the home. 

• Enroll in free programs including Bill Forecast Alerts, and Budget Billing to spread energy costs evenly throughout the year. 

For more tips on how to save this summer, visit

Teresa Alvarado

Vice President of PG&E’s South Bay/Central Coast Region

Gas taxes wasted on public sector transit

How much sooner would we have highway improvements if we didn’t waste gas taxes and vehicle fees on boondoggle public sector transit? If we didn’t run all those empty buses around? If we didn’t pretend that public sector transit was beneficial, and cover up the truth about the actual insolvency of public sector transit?

How many fewer accidents, injuries and deaths would we have if gas taxes were spent on highways, not diverted to unsound, unsustainable, unfair public sector transit?

How much money could we save if we just bought every transit rider his own BMW or Mercedes? Or, if we required them to take private sector carriers, such as Uber, Lyft, shuttles, taxis? How much of our gas taxes and other taxes go to pay the accumulated pension obligations of public sector unions who feast off the taxpayers and motorists moving those empty buses around?

Caveat viator.

Joe Thompson

Charter Member, SBCCOG Citizens Transit Task Force, SBCCOG Citizens Rail Advisory Committee

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  1. The paving on E. Dunne was excellent. If Morgan Hill Police can find a way for motorists to stop racing up and down the road at 60+ miles per hour… that would be even better!

  2. The paving on E. Dunne was excellent. If Morgan Hill Police can find a way for motorists to stop racing up and down the road at 60+ miles per hour… that would be even better!


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