Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs


Meetup to build community spirit


Several Morgan Hill community members are forming a new Meetup group for connecting residents and building positive community spirit and values within town.


The “Getting to Know You 95037” Meetup group will connect residents of Morgan Hill with one another in a positive manner. We plan to bring Morgan Hill residents together so that community members will to get to know one another, share positive community spirit and enjoy activities together.


At our first meeting, participants explained they hope to “make connections, have fun, learn, feel like part of the community” and “(make) friends and get to know the community better.”  Participants also expressed they like Morgan Hill because of “rural atmosphere, community activities” and “people seem friendlier in general” as well as “the many easy-to-access trails and other places that allow for enjoying nature.”


The Getting to Know You 95037 Meetup is a grassroots group not affiliated with any business, professional, nonprofit or government organization. This Meetup group is organized by Morgan Hill residents Nancy Reynolds and Nancy Domnauer.  


Join us for our meetings on Wednesday, Feb. 22 from 6 to 7 p.m. at BookSmart, 1295 E. Dunne Ave., and Saturday, March 18 from 10 to 11 a.m. at GVA Café, 17400 Monterey Road.


Everyone is invited to our group’s walk through the downtown on Friday, Feb. 24 at 10 a.m.  Please meet us at GVA Café on the corner of Monterey Road and Second Street. We’re currently generating ideas for future group events and nature walks. Visit our website for information or to join the group: meetup.com/Getting-to-Know-You-95037/.


Everyone is invited and our events are open to all.


Nancy Domnauer


Morgan Hill
Look in the mirror


Your “From the Web” column on the Opinion page unfortunately demonstrated what’s wrong with our country right now. “whatithink793” complains about the “stupid” liberal millennials and their “self centered and self serving” and “whining” behavior all the while verbally vomiting sentence after sentence of exactly the same kind of intolerant hatred and repugnance of which he/she is claiming they are guilty!


We should all look in a mirror before spewing such hypocritical vitriol. I feel sorry for this person and their bitter “get off my lawn” mentality.


Jeff Sprague


Morgan Hill

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