Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs


City should repair road hazard


To Morgan Hill City Manager Steve Rymer,


The area used for “staging” and sandbags between El Toro Fire Station and the intersection of Monterey and Old Monterey roads has been neglected for the past few years. The buildup of sand and grading materials in the middle of that area prevents water from draining into the ditch near the station, causing it to puddle and run onto the roadway. Some drivers deliberately swerve into this to send water shooting up around the vehicle. This causes erosion and damage to the pavement, and leaves rocks and debris on the road.


The berm along the edge of this area, which prevented runoff from going down over the embankment and into the underpass, has been compromised due to this neglect, resulting in erosion of the embankment. If there is any heavy rainfall in the next few days, or another series of rainy days that creates runoff, a section up to about 50 feet long could wash onto the roadway below. If the drains at the bottom of the underpass are plugged, it could fill with water, and the damage to the western slope could be expensive to repair.


All city employees have a legal and moral responsibility to protect the assets of the city, and to report hazardous situations or violations of city ordinances. Dozens of city employees from all departments pass through this area on a regular basis, yet no action has been taken. You suggested that citizens should report excessive water use and other violations. This should only be necessary in circumstances that can’t be readily discerned from the street. Dozens of city employees travel these streets every day, and should be reporting and resolving these incidents in the course of their duties.


Please have this area graded and restore the berm before it becomes a dangerous and costly issue.


Thank you for your attention in this matter.




Richard Vanella


Morgan Hill
Gerard should resign


David Gerard can no longer serve on our School Board. The repulsive comments he made in district emails were not of a singular slip but a conscious well thought out demeaning attack on members of the board. His emails reveal perceptions that cannot be condoned, allowed or forgiven. If he remains on the board, it will likely continue to be dysfunctional and we will be at risk if not harmed.


Every time he speaks on the board we will be unsure of what he is really thinking, his motives, if he is really advocating for our schools or simply entertaining additional aberrant thoughts about board members, parents, teachers and even our children. He has lost the public’s trust.


David Gerard as a school board member is an embarrassment.


He is unfit to serve and should immediately resign. It is the only honorable recourse and would be in the best interest of Morgan Hill.


Mark Grzan


Morgan Hill

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