Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Gerard should resign


After reading the front page “news” Dec. 4 about the emails written by Morgan Hill Unified School District Trustee David Gerard, I feel compelled to send a response.  


I have been a teacher in the school district since 1997. I was embarrassed to read the vulgar and vitriolic words against Mr. Betando and members of the board by someone entrusted to help govern our district. I was also shocked that the paper was even allowed to print what I was reading.


In my opinion, Mr. Betando has been the most visible, effective, motivating and unifying superintendent we have had during the time I have taught in Morgan Hill. Donna Ruebusch and Ron Woolf, who both taught some or all of my four children at district schools, were excellent, caring teachers who do not deserve to be demeaned by Mr. Gerard’s crude and hurtful words. I do not know the other members who were also personally insulted but I believe it is beneath anybody to speak about others in the way he did, on or off the record. Is that what we want our students to learn from those in an authority position?


It is unfortunate, sad and disturbing that the public has to read in such gross detail the snide and nasty innuendos in the emails and in the ridiculous fabricated crime story. Being in a position at a high level of our school district, Mr. Gerard should hold himself to a higher standard of morality and decency. This whole line of cyber communication is a big disservice to the teachers, parents and students of Morgan Hill and casts a shadow on the good that is being done throughout the district.


Mr. Gerard should resign immediately or be summarily removed from his post. I am not sure why he would want to show his face again anyway at the district office, let alone in Morgan Hill, after these emails have been made public. We don’t need that divisiveness marring the good intentions of those of us who are working in the best interests of the students we are here to serve.


Paula Dennery


Morgan Hill
Slow the growth


In answer to the article in the Dec. 4 issue of the Morgan Hill Times, “How Much Do You Want Morgan Hill to Grow?” the answer is “not much.” Supposedly, the General Plan says that new housing should be 70 percent single family homes and 30 percent multi-family dwellings. But


all I see is LOTS of multi-story monstrosities being built. Where are the single family units being built?


The city is losing its charm and if trends keep up, Morgan Hill will be indistinguishable from San Jose. Remember that when the next mayoral race comes to a vote.


Linda O’Maley


Morgan Hill
Where are the single family homes?


I don’t want Morgan Hill to grow at all or very very little. What surprises me is the amount of high density housing close to the railroad tracks in town. I thought the split was to be 70/30 (single-family/multi-family) but it sure doesn’t look like that. Truly how many single family homes have been built and where are they?  How is this happening and where is the evidence that we are building more single family homes?   


Richard Simunic


Morgan Hill

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